I think the Q, because it's opened up the LGB part to be overriden by every wacky person out there who simply wants to be aligned with something they don't inherently belong to.
EDIT: Oh, and I should have mentioned I was just listening to several of her videos this morning. She does a great interview on the Trigernometry channel.
I'd throw out the T, because trans is about gender identity, a whole different concept than sexual orientation, which encompasses LGB. As you have pointed out, young gay kids can confuse the two and gravitate to transgenderism as a result of unaddressed homophobia. Encouraging them to transition reinforces that homophobia. I'd also throw out Q because I don't know what the heck "queer" means these days. In my childhood 60+ years ago it meant strange and inscrutable. I'd love to forget all these labels anyway, and just accept people as people!
This is so far off the mark of relevancy and importance that I will unsubscribe after this comment.
America has been under the control of a great evil for decades if not centuries. LGBTQ is part of that operation. LGBTQ is not a cultural or societal movement, it is a psychological operation on humanity. Normalizing psychopathology. A cult. Juxtapose this with with what I've learned.
The Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano wrote to POTUS DJT, around 2018/19, and said "There is a great evil in the church." Vigano was the Nuncio, representative of the Vatican to America, for the current and prior popes. "A GREAT EVIL." I went to Catholic school, church, etc in the 50's and 60's and knew of pedophilia before I ever knew the word. Recently actor Mel Gibson has brief youtube videos saying he agrees with Vigano. The long-time Vatican Watcher, Leo Zagami (who grew up in ITaly in the "Illuminati") has 9+ books with the main title "Confessions of an Illuminati" - told Alex Jones, on camera, around 2019, that "The Vatican is at the center of Child trafficking worldwide."
The great evil is that "evil begets evil." It is created - by evil. Psycho-pathology begets psycho-pathology. The Catholic Church has been in the business of "begetting evil" since it's beginning. In the book "The Dead Sea Scroll (DSS) Deception", a man heavily involved in the examination and study of the Dead Sea Scrolls wrote to another man, also involved in those examinations/studies, that "When I am finished (with examination of the DSS), THE CHURCH WILL CEASE TO EXIST." This was in 1956. A gospel in the DSS that virtually no one has heard of, is called "The Essene Gospel of Peace.". THe first ancient papyrus copy of it was found in 1923 by DR. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. The 2nd was in the DSS in 1946/47. Where was the first found? In the "Secret Archives of the Vatican" - hidden for 1700 years. This Gospel was 1st person accounts of Christ's words.
What had that DSS researcher found that caused him to conclude that the Catholic Church would cease to exist? Maybe it was that Essene Gospel - the first person writings of Christ's wisdom.
There is no mention of LGBTQ in that gospel. Christ said it was a "sin" against one's body to eat meat or cooked foods or to eat after sundown - causing "abominations of Satan". "Don't put death into your body. Put life." He said. LGBTQ is the cover for normalization of the psychopathology that organizations like the Church have been inflicting on children for thousand of years - begetting evil. It's all about depopulation folks. The UN charter and the Georgia Guidestones spoke about a 90-95% reduction in the worlds population. Normalizing and promoting gender "fluidity" is part of that agenda.
I am a Q. Now there are two inflections: Queer, and Questioning. Queer means different and I am definitely questioning, and also something else.
B has already been thrown out; the gay movement honors bisexuality in name only. B is gayer than gay, too gay for gay people because of all the usual accusations -- noncommital, a threat to the relationships of others, fucks anything that moves. B needs to be either brought back in, or acknowledged to stand for Bastard child.
T is the artificial add-on. T may need a lobby interest but "trans" people have nothing to nothing in common in terms of social needs with gay and lesbian people. It's a whole other universe. A lot of PR has gone into making it seem like all of these things belong together.
And as part of that PR, you and I are expected to change: for example, to declare our pronouns, face sanctions for getting their pronouns wrong etc.
What has this got to do with being gay?
Also there is one thing that needs to be added: selfsexuality. There are those people whose primary sexual orientation is on themselves; I would reckon a majority of the population is either voluntarily, involuntarily or by circumstance selfsexual. This includes people who are in relationships that look like there is a partner available for sex and there is not. So we need a big M for masturbation or S for selfsexual. And then there are the social masturbators who like to hang out with others, and there are the solo masturbators who have no interest.
The truth is that masturbation and selfsexuality are the most closeted form of sex. I reckon there is not an LGBTQ center anywhere in the United States that takes up the subject honestly and consciously.
She should tell them the Q is short for Q-Anon and then stand back as their heads explode.
I think the Q, because it's opened up the LGB part to be overriden by every wacky person out there who simply wants to be aligned with something they don't inherently belong to.
EDIT: Oh, and I should have mentioned I was just listening to several of her videos this morning. She does a great interview on the Trigernometry channel.
Actually she did a video on Queer messing things up for the LGB.
I'd throw out the T, because trans is about gender identity, a whole different concept than sexual orientation, which encompasses LGB. As you have pointed out, young gay kids can confuse the two and gravitate to transgenderism as a result of unaddressed homophobia. Encouraging them to transition reinforces that homophobia. I'd also throw out Q because I don't know what the heck "queer" means these days. In my childhood 60+ years ago it meant strange and inscrutable. I'd love to forget all these labels anyway, and just accept people as people!
This is so far off the mark of relevancy and importance that I will unsubscribe after this comment.
America has been under the control of a great evil for decades if not centuries. LGBTQ is part of that operation. LGBTQ is not a cultural or societal movement, it is a psychological operation on humanity. Normalizing psychopathology. A cult. Juxtapose this with with what I've learned.
The Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano wrote to POTUS DJT, around 2018/19, and said "There is a great evil in the church." Vigano was the Nuncio, representative of the Vatican to America, for the current and prior popes. "A GREAT EVIL." I went to Catholic school, church, etc in the 50's and 60's and knew of pedophilia before I ever knew the word. Recently actor Mel Gibson has brief youtube videos saying he agrees with Vigano. The long-time Vatican Watcher, Leo Zagami (who grew up in ITaly in the "Illuminati") has 9+ books with the main title "Confessions of an Illuminati" - told Alex Jones, on camera, around 2019, that "The Vatican is at the center of Child trafficking worldwide."
The great evil is that "evil begets evil." It is created - by evil. Psycho-pathology begets psycho-pathology. The Catholic Church has been in the business of "begetting evil" since it's beginning. In the book "The Dead Sea Scroll (DSS) Deception", a man heavily involved in the examination and study of the Dead Sea Scrolls wrote to another man, also involved in those examinations/studies, that "When I am finished (with examination of the DSS), THE CHURCH WILL CEASE TO EXIST." This was in 1956. A gospel in the DSS that virtually no one has heard of, is called "The Essene Gospel of Peace.". THe first ancient papyrus copy of it was found in 1923 by DR. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. The 2nd was in the DSS in 1946/47. Where was the first found? In the "Secret Archives of the Vatican" - hidden for 1700 years. This Gospel was 1st person accounts of Christ's words.
What had that DSS researcher found that caused him to conclude that the Catholic Church would cease to exist? Maybe it was that Essene Gospel - the first person writings of Christ's wisdom.
There is no mention of LGBTQ in that gospel. Christ said it was a "sin" against one's body to eat meat or cooked foods or to eat after sundown - causing "abominations of Satan". "Don't put death into your body. Put life." He said. LGBTQ is the cover for normalization of the psychopathology that organizations like the Church have been inflicting on children for thousand of years - begetting evil. It's all about depopulation folks. The UN charter and the Georgia Guidestones spoke about a 90-95% reduction in the worlds population. Normalizing and promoting gender "fluidity" is part of that agenda.
I am a Q. Now there are two inflections: Queer, and Questioning. Queer means different and I am definitely questioning, and also something else.
B has already been thrown out; the gay movement honors bisexuality in name only. B is gayer than gay, too gay for gay people because of all the usual accusations -- noncommital, a threat to the relationships of others, fucks anything that moves. B needs to be either brought back in, or acknowledged to stand for Bastard child.
T is the artificial add-on. T may need a lobby interest but "trans" people have nothing to nothing in common in terms of social needs with gay and lesbian people. It's a whole other universe. A lot of PR has gone into making it seem like all of these things belong together.
And as part of that PR, you and I are expected to change: for example, to declare our pronouns, face sanctions for getting their pronouns wrong etc.
What has this got to do with being gay?
Also there is one thing that needs to be added: selfsexuality. There are those people whose primary sexual orientation is on themselves; I would reckon a majority of the population is either voluntarily, involuntarily or by circumstance selfsexual. This includes people who are in relationships that look like there is a partner available for sex and there is not. So we need a big M for masturbation or S for selfsexual. And then there are the social masturbators who like to hang out with others, and there are the solo masturbators who have no interest.
The truth is that masturbation and selfsexuality are the most closeted form of sex. I reckon there is not an LGBTQ center anywhere in the United States that takes up the subject honestly and consciously.
More on all of that here