I came across the following video by the popular YouTuber Arielle Scarcella. She asks people which “identity” they would toss out from under the “LGBTQ” umbrella, and the results are quite interesting.
What do you think of this? Which “identity,” if any, would you prefer to see removed?
She should tell them the Q is short for Q-Anon and then stand back as their heads explode.
I'd throw out the T, because trans is about gender identity, a whole different concept than sexual orientation, which encompasses LGB. As you have pointed out, young gay kids can confuse the two and gravitate to transgenderism as a result of unaddressed homophobia. Encouraging them to transition reinforces that homophobia. I'd also throw out Q because I don't know what the heck "queer" means these days. In my childhood 60+ years ago it meant strange and inscrutable. I'd love to forget all these labels anyway, and just accept people as people!