Going onto thebody.com makes me feel slimy. It's like walking into alice and wonderland territory where everything is designed to keep you 'retained in care'. Just yuck.

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I often get the disorienting feeling that what so many hiv/aids activists are really talking about is their particular flavor of the universal human need to be witnessed as *tragically unique* and thusly *very important* Too often there's a weirdly proud, masochistic tone used by those Doing Good Work in the HIV/AIDS Space - and too often that tone is used to foreclose on any critical questions. Sigh. It's their world, their rules...

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Yes, I think that's very true. I would describe it as being all very self-absorbed with importance.

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If these people really want to "put well-sourced, well-researched information about AIDS into the world," and "to tear down the walls between information about HIV and people who need it," then their Wikipedia edits should include Miss Rebecca's work.

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Prima facie, the piece looks extremely robotic.

There is an old legend from China or India, that says that the gods created humans as animals with the special ability to imitate any other animal. Certain individuals, probably with the help of psychotropics, have managed to achieve perfect imitation of computers, which are not even an animal. It's a remarkable miracle of postmodernity.

I guess normies think that it's a very dangerous thing to allow information to flow uncensored. That's pure mind control. If young people today were to listen "The Wall" by Pink Floyd, they would get very upset and they would yell "Of course we need thought control and education, you terrorists!"

It's incredible: the zoomers are worse than the boomers at the same age! We're super-doomed!

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Can't argue! I have decided upon a self preservation society attitude hoping for the best.

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How much better would our world be if this entire narrative just disappeared tonight? Or would our elites just force upon us another equally disturbing and damaging narrative?

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The Narrative doesn't just cover the HIV topic. It is there for every topic of importance in every sector. Global warming, wars etc.

The desirered perspective is formulated in think tanks and presented in the Bilderberg directed press, always reinforced by ' the science'.

Called the general consensus, people are directed to confirm. And most do.

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These cartoons was also prolly an Ai Machine, they always tricking you:

Elsagate - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Elsagate

Elsagate ... Elsagate (portmanteau of Elsa and the -gate scandal suffix) is a controversy surrounding videos on YouTube and YouTube Kids that were categorized as ...

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