Thanks for your fine work.

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Great interview. I remember back in 2020, March/April timeframe, when I first heard about Neil Furgeson and his earlier mathematical modeling debacles from prior things like Foot & Mouth disease in England. Apparently a large number of farm animal herds were culled as a result of his models, and they turned out to be done incorrectly because they didn't take into account several variables dealing with apparently how different heards of animals would interact across space (if I remember correctly). He cost farmers gigantic losses. I found a paper online that had been published prior to 2020 which was very critical of his methodology, but for some reasons governments went into panic mode with these models.

The parallels between AIDS and Covid were apparent back then to me. I found the much publicized Italian covid situation wasn't a country-wide phenomenon, but was focus almost exclusively in the highly polluted Po Valley area. I'm sure I've mentioned this before. The overlap with covid cases and this pollution zone was almost perfect. In fact the European Union had been very critical of Italy for not cleaning up its act because there were significant numbers of excess deaths each year in that same area as a result of that pollution.

Well, that all just got turned into Covid. To me this is a parallel with 'proto-AIDS', that is toxicology.

By the way, the book you mentioned about the documentation of the early AIDS cases is actually available online in the internet archives. I you can temporarily read it (they allow you to check it out like a library for a certain amount of time). I've been meaning to devote some time to reading it.

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January 13th 2024 “Long Covid ‘is HIV’?” https://rebeccaculshawsmith.substack.com/p/long-covid-is-hiv/comments

November 14th 2023 Trump pushes HIV is AIDS Hoax ft Fauci's AZT Telomere Terminator https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/trump-pushes-hiv-is-aids-hoax-ft-faucis-azt-telomere-terminator

January 1st 2023 Trinary Weapons - HCQ Bleaching, Ivermectin + AZT Antivirals https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/binary-weapons-poisons-fake-cures-used-for-world-de-population

July 26th 2022 PCR Genetic Testing Fraud & Nasal Swabs for Bio-Specific Weapons https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/pcr-genetic-testing-fraud-nasal-swabs-for-bio-specific-weapons

February 19th 2022 Ted Kaczynski The Perfect Bomb - Vaccine BioWeapon Imperative NIH https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/ted-kaczynski-the-perfect-bomb---vaccine-bioweapon-imperative-nih

February 10th 2022 Covid Hoax is Over Effective Immediately R.I.P ft You Got Vaccine Induced CovAIDS https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/covid-hoax-is-over-effective-immediately-rip-ft-you-got-covaids

January 21st 2022 Telomere Terminator Vaccine ft Telomerator Chromosomal Terminator https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/telomere-terminator-vaccine-ft-telomerator-chromosomal-terminator

December 31st 2021 17 Vaccines did not cure a Disease ft 13 Cures + AIDS & STD HOAX https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/vaccines-are-not-cures-part-2-ft-the-13-cures-in-the-dictionary

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This was a Great Interview & my Introduction to you. Brilliant. I also recall listening to Dr JUdy Mikowits about contaminated Blood supply & vaccines contamination .

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Thank you for being here!

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I thank you for doing what you doing . Many have turned their backs on humanity & truth , Gob we with you

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January 13th 2024 “Long Covid ‘is HIV’?” https://rebeccaculshawsmith.substack.com/p/long-covid-is-hiv/comments

November 14th 2023 Trump pushes HIV is AIDS Hoax ft Fauci's AZT Telomere Terminator https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/trump-pushes-hiv-is-aids-hoax-ft-faucis-azt-telomere-terminator

January 1st 2023 Trinary Weapons - HCQ Bleaching, Ivermectin + AZT Antivirals https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/binary-weapons-poisons-fake-cures-used-for-world-de-population

July 26th 2022 PCR Genetic Testing Fraud & Nasal Swabs for Bio-Specific Weapons https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/pcr-genetic-testing-fraud-nasal-swabs-for-bio-specific-weapons

February 19th 2022 Ted Kaczynski The Perfect Bomb - Vaccine BioWeapon Imperative NIH https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/ted-kaczynski-the-perfect-bomb---vaccine-bioweapon-imperative-nih

February 10th 2022 Covid Hoax is Over Effective Immediately R.I.P ft You Got Vaccine Induced CovAIDS https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/covid-hoax-is-over-effective-immediately-rip-ft-you-got-covaids

January 21st 2022 Telomere Terminator Vaccine ft Telomerator Chromosomal Terminator https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/telomere-terminator-vaccine-ft-telomerator-chromosomal-terminator

December 31st 2021 17 Vaccines did not cure a Disease ft 13 Cures + AIDS & STD HOAX https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/vaccines-are-not-cures-part-2-ft-the-13-cures-in-the-dictionary

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Great interview. I shared with an OB nurse and she agreed wholeheartedly about prenatal testing and the unnecessary fear it generates.

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Thank you!

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Rebecca, this might be relevant to your research re Fauci & AIDS


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Ooh interesting. Thank you!

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Archive.org is your friend for Liam's blog. Lots of pages there.


His last post.


I see that he had a stroke, or something similar, during dental work which led to his death.

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good interview.

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Thank you Rebecca, dynamite interview!! It reinforces many key points of your recent posts and much more.

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What a nice interview. Love you both compassionately, and you both look fantastic. I tried to fix the poor sound (bad mic or echo in room?) in Audacity with compressor, and used Kdenlive to make a compressed copy, and I put it here:


SwebbTube is based on PeerTube. Free as in freedom.

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I can't figure any of this out. If you're upset about the lies etc. fine. If people are actually being harmed or killed because of these lies, why is this about how upset YOU are? Why isn't the end goal to stop the harms?

Yet you, Dr. Bailey, RFK Jr., Del Bigtree all have No Plan Whatever to end the harms happening. None. Yet you all CONSTANTLY repeat speaking ABOUT them. Why is there No Plan?

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I found you through this pod with Dr Sam Bailey, shared by a friend. Great stuff. Thanks, Rebecca. Amazing stuff. I respect your persistence.

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If you want to get yourself out there and you should. Do more interviews or videos. That is how I found you. That is how people are consuming media now. I’d love to hear more from in that way.

Thank you so much for an excellent interview. I learned so much and I am sharing.

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January 13th 2024 “Long Covid ‘is HIV’?” https://rebeccaculshawsmith.substack.com/p/long-covid-is-hiv/comments

November 14th 2023 Trump pushes HIV is AIDS Hoax ft Fauci's AZT Telomere Terminator https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/trump-pushes-hiv-is-aids-hoax-ft-faucis-azt-telomere-terminator

January 1st 2023 Trinary Weapons - HCQ Bleaching, Ivermectin + AZT Antivirals https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/binary-weapons-poisons-fake-cures-used-for-world-de-population

July 26th 2022 PCR Genetic Testing Fraud & Nasal Swabs for Bio-Specific Weapons https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/pcr-genetic-testing-fraud-nasal-swabs-for-bio-specific-weapons

February 19th 2022 Ted Kaczynski The Perfect Bomb - Vaccine BioWeapon Imperative NIH https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/ted-kaczynski-the-perfect-bomb---vaccine-bioweapon-imperative-nih

February 10th 2022 Covid Hoax is Over Effective Immediately R.I.P ft You Got Vaccine Induced CovAIDS https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/covid-hoax-is-over-effective-immediately-rip-ft-you-got-covaids

January 21st 2022 Telomere Terminator Vaccine ft Telomerator Chromosomal Terminator https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/telomere-terminator-vaccine-ft-telomerator-chromosomal-terminator

December 31st 2021 17 Vaccines did not cure a Disease ft 13 Cures + AIDS & STD HOAX https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/vaccines-are-not-cures-part-2-ft-the-13-cures-in-the-dictionary

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Are you Jonathan (sp?) Katz?

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