Jan 14Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

At least she is acknowledging that Long Covid is a real post viral illness. With so many millions affected, I'm hoping they won't ignore it and sweep it under the rug like they've done with ME/CFS for decades. My hope is that they'll fund research into this illness as well as the long ignored ME/CFS (and its link to AIDs).

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I can barely watch exchanges like this anymore, mostly because I believe they deliberately promote lies that harm and kill us. What to make of people like Cuomo and Birx? Are they true believers in this narrative—“long COVID,” the “vaccines,” and whatever other blah blah blah they are blah-ing? Are they on some kind of protected class payroll? Are they threatened with destitution and death themselves and forced to engage in such role play? If so, how would they pull this off for such long periods without being deeply psychopathic (or demon-possessed)? Birx’s perky smirky demeanor is particularly off-putting to me. What are your thoughts on what’s going on here?

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Viruses do not exist.

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December 4th 2024 Long-Vax is Long-Covid Confirmed: Rare Syndrome After COVID Vaccines - Study https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ahku8WotzXAV/

November 14th 2023 Trump pushes HIV is AIDS Hoax ft Fauci's AZT Telomere Terminator https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/trump-pushes-hiv-is-aids-hoax-ft-faucis-azt-telomere-terminator

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July 26th 2022 PCR Genetic Testing Fraud & Nasal Swabs for Bio-Specific Weapons https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/pcr-genetic-testing-fraud-nasal-swabs-for-bio-specific-weapons

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"Long Covid" is a disease construct - to use a term of Sheldon Watts, author of "Epidemics and History." This means it is an artificially-defined social perception of illness - similar to psychiatric disorders or even "tertiary syphillis." We have to distinguish between syndromes, symptoms, and disease. It's fairly easy to predict the health consequences of a hepatitis virus killing liver cells, but when it comes to "respiratory syndrome" now associated with all sorts of general ill-health mixed up with malaise, I think we get into a mix of many disease constructs. I don't deny people with ME/CFS feel sick, but this is likely an artificial disease construct of many different pathologies and causes that have been lumped together because giving It a Name makes It a Thing. I used to get colds all the time, and it would take me forever to bounce back - but now that we have a Name for the Thing called "Long Covid" our society is forming a disease construct.

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