The study Rebecca cited of IV drug users and clean needles had an eye-opening effect on me when I read it many years ago. It was done in Montreal, Canada.and found that exclusive users of clean needles in a special clean-needle exchange program were more likely to test HIV positive than IV drug users who had limited or no use. When combined with the Padian et al study which showed that there were zero transmissions of HIV in serodiscordant partners despite 282 “couple years” of follow-up, I realized that the condition of HIV positivity was simply not infectious.

When people try to defend this idea of infectiousness, they mainly use anecdotes. I could supply some anecdotes that would burn your socks off: people being abandoned by family, friends, and healthcare professionals due to fear of a “super-virus“. In Covid-19 the isolation was codified into 14 days of mandatory solitary confinement, which was especially harmful to people who already had fragile health, but also plenty harmful to everyone else.

In elder-care homes solitary confinement was combined with severe understaffing, with no family, friends, volunteers, or even “non-essential” healthcare providers allowed inside. This was not the fault of the nursing homes and assisted living facilities, which were forced into it, but rather due to universal fear of infection - something many “public health” officials like Fauci and Walensky built an entire career on. I consider them, and people like them, to be the true superspreaders“.

Fear and anxiety run deep in all of us, including myself. Sitting with these emotions in the present moment is something I find much more helpful than pointing out the fears in everyone else. 😇

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Governor Jay Inslee of Washington said in 2014 PrEP would reduce new HIV among MSM in the state by 40% by 2020. The real number in 2020 was exactly the same as in 2014.

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The geographic distribution of HIV positivity belies an infectious cause.

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Why hasn’t anyone ever called out Oprah Winfrey for her 1987 claim that by 1990 “one in five” heterosexual Americans would be infected with hiv?

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I'm new to your work which seems very good. Why dont you just write the fact that THERE IS NO HIV VIRUS? Here http://www.theperthgroup.com/HIV/TPGVirusLikeNoOther.pdf

The rest of the story just crumbles. HIV treatments and other things can cause AIDS, but HIV caused AIDS is a magic trick of the Global med-pharma-banking complex.

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If hepatitis-c is “cured” when no virus is detected why does an AIDS patient with undetectable viral load and t-cell count 600+ require lifetime treatment with a balanced “cocktail” of slow killing, toxic chemotherapeutic drugs that have known side effects that mirror the definition of AIDS?

If an AIDS patient with undetectable viral load went for an AIDS test and didn’t tell that they were previously hiv positive they would be told they were not infected and do not need treatment but would be encouraged to begin the recently released hiv vaccine that requires injection every two months. For the rest of your sexually active life.

As with any profit based business, ensuring return customers is vital for success.

  If as is claimed, hiv remains latent, inactive, not reproducing and undetectable in hidden reservoirs how can anyone ever be certain they are not infected and the virus isn’t just inactive and undetectable in hidden reservoirs?

 Why isn’t everyone on anti-hiv treatment? Just in case.

For the common good.

How are people not seeing through this bs?

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I think you’ve finally figured out exactly why so-called AIDS cases or deaths are hugely problematic and grossly misreported in South Africa. Its people continue to suffer from and die from the same maladies in 2023 that they did in 1990 - protein anemia, TB, diabetes, coronaries, cancer, accidents et al.

None of them are sexually transmitted. That’s why AIDS in South Africa is “the plague that isn’t.” It is a disease by definition.

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From 1981 to 2022, the estimated population of Africa skyrocketed from 650 million to roughly 1.2 billion. The horrifying predictions of mass deaths propagated by AIDS fanatics were disproven repeatedly.

The public health budgets targeted for AIDS in the US should be cut by 75% across the boards. The same reductions for Coronavirus vaccines research and big Pharma experiments should be effected by similar amounts.

Their respective and equally ineffective claims merit careful scrutiny and review. Rebecca Smith’s meticulous findings must be brought before all congressional budget committees, the sooner the better.

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Not all humans are healthy all the time. That’s about the only thing mainstream AIDS science ever got right LOL.

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Yes a positive 'HIV' test (an entirely subjective result reliant on having a history of blood transfusions, or being a black African or a gay male) is only correlated with the frequency of receptive anal sex, ie it's not sexually transmitted. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-intellectual-freedom


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HIV positivity is infectious nobody have yet to convinced otherwise because I personally know people who got infected through sexual transmission with positive person, even though they discovered the change of status after 3 years

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No. you personally know people who used a faulty, flawed, non-verifiable test that has no established Gold Standard for diagnosis and they tested “positive” for non-specific biological markers that are considered synonymous with infection by a theoretical phantom but have never been proven to cause disease.

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How did a virus theorized in the 1984 proposal of its existence to kill within six months to two years after infection mutate into one that “they discovered the change of status after 3 years” and that stays hidden, latent, not reproducing and undetectable for up to twenty years or longer and may never harm some carriers?

Do you even know what the 1984 proposed theory of hiv causation of AIDS claimed would prove the proposed theory true?

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Sub Sahara is mostly the one heavily affected with South African the epicenter of the world with 8.4 millions known infections, I think one prediction with U =U and prep numbers will stabilize and eventually decline as others die from Aids maybe by 2030 as predicted will have 0 - 5 % new infections

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How many cases of AIDS have been reported in KwaZulu/Natal between 1981-2020? What about Western Cape and Mpumalanga?

Put those statistical cards on the table please.

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KZN is currently epicenter of SA, with 27.6 % and 19.5 % of South Africans HIV positive, so there's no decline in terms of new infections because testing is very high every pregnant woman is tested, every operation at private and public hospital is tested with advance test method 4th and 5th generation test kits for Elisa and western blot.

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Please provide the number of actual AIDS cases in those three South African provinces, plus the number of deaths attributed to AIDS in those three provinces from 1981-2022.

Reliable and verifiable statistics regarding AIDS cases - NOT HIV test results - are crucial.

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The very high rates of cross reactivity between those tests and pregnancy, protein anemia, tuberculosis, malaria and numerous other preexisting conditions must be acknowledged.

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I've heard about cross reactive, the test are said to be specific

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Do you have the actual numbers of AIDS cases and mortality stats or don’t you for those three specific provinces? Not the numbers for all South Africa just three provinces.

I suspect you do not, but you appear eager to extrapolate and keep alive the AIDS deceptions based on utterly misleading data.

Where have you actually visited in South Africa?

As for cross reactivity, Rebecca is a mine of data on those facts.

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So it would be Zero I guess

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I really don't understand what you want, AIDS death are based on HIV positive status so wouldn't know non HIV Aids I don't think they are even counted

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Hi, there is no HIV virus, the test is positive on TB, Malaria, Leprosy, many other things. Mr A has pos test, tells Mr B, Mr B gets a test, well also + as they have have shared some experience with some organisms over the years. These are invalid tests because there is no HIV virus, it is not a false pos test, because there is no true pos test. If you want to really understand this you need to read this, if its too complex bio stuff you can also just say you dont know, no shame.


If you take antivirals, esp AZT as was in the 80s, they will lower your immunity and you will get "immune deficiency" and possibly quite sick.

The 4 letters "AIDS" is just a definition in a book stating you need a virus, but there is no virus so it is a fantasy definition. 4-CAPITAL letters doesn't prove something exists.

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