You know I still struggle somewhat with this entire topic. On the one hand, I've listened to enough detransitioner stories, listened to Jordan Peterson's interviews on the top and also listened to interviews with Dr. Grossman. My thinking has really evolved on transgender issues over the past year because of it. But I also had the opportunity to hang out a bit with someone I follow on youtube several weeks ago, a person I've followed on youtube for years. She's a transgender woman who has a travel channel. She's one of those people who you wouldn't necessarily look at and say 'transgender', but moreso than that, apart from a small mention in the footnotes of her videos, she never talks about it, she's a completely grounded and sensible person, her content is never about anything transgender, certainly not the kind of whacky stuff that appears on Tiktok. She's a complete contrast to people like Dylan Mulvany who are caricatures of real women and are frankly both an embarrassment to the LGBT community and to just people in general. Mulvaney is exactly the kind of people that I don't want to have anything to do with and who are damaging to LGB people.

And this is where I struggle still. I'm fully against transitioning children, full stop. That's easy and a no brainer. I totally see this practice as a gay conversion therapy and an abuse of children. I struggle a bit because adult transgender people are in a sense a different set of issues. When I watch this travel channel I mentioned, and I have met her in person several times, I think, here's a person I wouldn't want discriminated against because they seem like a well adjusted, happy person in life who isn't trying to force anything on people. I can send you a link to her channel so you can see for yourself.

This is where I think things have gone completely off the rails, as the Dylan Mulvaneys and nutty tiktop transgender influencers, and men claiming to be 'transgender women' after they've slapped a little makeup on and demand to be in women's spaces. Or the male Canadian shop teacher who wears Z-sized breast prosthetics in school and claims to be a transgender woman.

This is where I struggle, it's the transgender people who seem to be the quiet, not trying to make statements people who seem like decent people.

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I struggled in the past with this too but I have landed on the fact that a man can't be a woman under any circumstances. Men can dress however they want and call themselves whichever name they want but they do not become women and must stay out of women's private spaces. And they cannot compel anyone to refer to them as women. This solves the problems.

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Yeah, I know you're right about this. I guess it's just the remnants of the 'bleeding heart liberal' in me that thinks about the people that seem sane to me but who are still trans. Early on I still thought there were 'true trans' people and I doubt that now.

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I can relate to this very well. I find it hard to see Blaire White as a man, you know? (Just as an example of someone that could be argued is “true trans.”)

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There does seem to be an agenda to exploit the issue, even by the progressive left. There is something political about it all. I don’t know what that is. But the bigger idea of transgender is also offensive and nonsensical in and of itself.

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Yeah, I agree. Both sides have ardent ideas about what's going on and they're both being used to political ends.

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I have used the Reimer case as a point in some of my posts because you are correct it is important. As are AIDs and HIV... As I mention in my last post, Reimer most wanted to end intersex surgeries on babies.


Forces worked hard to prevent discourse and intersex babies remain game today across the US. CA leads the way in attempting to halt them but all the while they are one of the most egregious states for child 'gender' medicine. They are a sanctuary state for what should be criminal activity.

As a side note the first so-called 'non-binary' person Jamie Shupe just committed suicide. He was all over the news when he attained his 'non-binary' status.

I did not watch those videos but I recommend a book by John Colapinto on Reimer. https://www.harperacademic.com/book/9780061120565/as-nature-made-him/

The suicide rate of those that have transitioned is high. This has been known for decades. I suspect this will only go higher as so-called transitioning is permitted at younger and younger ages.

As for 'non-binary' and 'nullification' surgeries, they are happening many places. My next post will touch on this world of anything goes.

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Do you think they are really trying to destroy the gay community or just using them as pawns and for experiments to pit the straight community against them? I would be very interested to know the ideas behind why there is a motive to destroy them.

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Yes, I think that’s part of it. There are a lot of pages of lesbians lamenting how many of their butch sisters are “transitioning.” It’s the modern version of conversion therapy, at least most of the time, IMO.

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Behind The Looking Glass is a film documenting the stories of women whose partners 'transitioned'. The director of the film is Vaishnavi Sundararajan who allows women who are otherwise silenced to share their experiences. The parallel common with HIV is silencing women who speak about HIV transmission sexually and silencing women who speak about their trauma with their partners who transistioned. The film is on Youtube, although Youtube demonitized them.

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Lebensborn 2.0

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I think the push on trans gender is to push transhumanism, which means not of Womanity.

I use the word Womanity to mean all of life, a synonym of humanity..

As with he first comment, many trans folks are not in your face, have been a long time thing , some are sex workers, but I don't see the former trans thing as the same as the transhumanism, which is a globalist post intervention on Womanity to be feared and fought against, a hill to die on.

So yes, there is absolutely an evil construct of false imposition on helpless kids. They must cease..

I don't think it ought to be legal to remove anyone's birth sex in any way. Including circumcision, the jews do this as an act of evil. Leave God outta that. That tis m personal experience.. I am surprised we don't hear of more botched circumcision which , well, who would want to discuss?

Maybe if you are over 35 then you can do what you want , until then how can you know? No cut to those below 35 is my idea, that would eliminate most of it....

Didn't watch the links. But also issue of a eye, that is unwanted corrections., like spellcheck won't let me get my own words often insist s to change ....

I think we forgot what it means to be of Womanity, and aye eye won't remind us neither. That is the danger I see, oh say can you?

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So I've been thinking a lot about this. It dawned on me that what's so nefarious about the trans thing going on is how there's been a push to nearly criminalize therapists who aren't simply there to 'affirm' a client. I watched a video this morning by a British mental health worker at a conference where she spoke about this. The expectation is that any mental health worker who doesn't 'affirm' a person gender dysphoria is therefore committing conversion therapy. But that's exactly the opposite of what's going on, the trans thing is being used as a 'conversion therapy' on a bunch of gay kids.

She's not the only interview with a mental health professional I've listened to who's spoken about this. It's happened in Europe and in the US. It's the thing that made me not look at the trans thing for a long time, because of my own experience with conversion therapy as a gay man. I assumed that anything other than affirming a trans person was the same thing that happened to me. But it's the opposite it seems. That's why this is so dangerous because most of the gay community is under the same spell that I was, thinking that being trans is a gay equivalent. And so knees jerk whenever people question trans stuff.

It's like where 'HIV' is associated with being 'positive'. The gay community has been enslaved by these two ideas. It's awful.

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