It is important to say today of all days that the 'HIV causes AIDS' narrative was and remains a massive 40 year conspiracy and scam involving: the CDC; NIH; NIAID; ACTUP; Chester Beatty Laboratories in the UK; the Institut Pasteur in Paris; the WHO; UNAIDS; many governments, public heath bodies, medical / science institutions, Big Pharma, and media organizations around the planet.

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If these individuals were to give up on their science fiction story of HIV and AIDS, the actual causes of the "AIDS" symptoms effecting gay men might be properly diagnosed and result in improved health outcomes. In other words, practice medicine instead of the current black magic.

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The fact there was no internet during the AIDS crisis made it much easier to perpetrate the fraud and keep the truth under wraps for so long. The internet is the enemy of these types of coverups. The Covid fraud is the poster child for this - they actually thought they could get away with this undiscovered in the age of the internet. Sorry - not sorry!

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I REALLY hope the revolution of consciousness affects hiv, as well. Keep eating this black-death, goliath woolly mammoth one bite at a time.

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On this World AIDS day please take a moment to recognize failure of every expectation, prediction, threat and promise made in the 1984 proposed but unproven hiv/AIDS theory. We were told in 1984 there were an estimated one million hiv infected americans and without vaccine/cure that number would double annually “exploding” into general heterosexual population. “1 in 5 heterosexuals” were expected to be hiv positive by 1990. The population of Africa where the phantom was theorized to have originated and transferred to humans via eating, being bitten by or having sex with monkeys was predicted to be decimated by turn of the century-last century. Today, despite increase of nearly every other sexually transmitted infection in the general population, hiv remains primarily restricted to original risk groups testing and being treated for the theoretical phantom that has never been found/isolated from a human body but only presumed present based on invalid tests for non-specific biological markers. 37years into this non-spreading sexually transmitted epidemic the number of infected americans has only risen from 1 to 1.2 million. Meanwhile, despite unending famine, drought, endemic disease relabeled “AIDS”, genocidal conflict and with no improvement in living conditions the population of Africa has more than doubled. Since the 1985 Bangui definition of AIDS in Africa no hiv test is required for AIDS diagnosis in Africa. How do they prove causation? It is interesting that Keith Haring who died from the toxic treatments prescribed to fight a phantom hiv used cutting a snake- a certain religions image of a lying demon- as symbol for stopping AIDS. If you look at the facts, clearly hiv is a lie. Why do You believe it? Visit Rethinkingaids.com Don’t get your information from wikipedia. Look at the facts. Read the extensive work of Dr Peter Duesberg on the subject. If you can’t show why you believe that what you do is true and you only believe it because it is all you have ever been unquestioningly taught, how is it not your religion?

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Oops . Posted accidentally before I corrected typos. I wrote an unpublished book called “Positive Doubt” in 2001. I was positive 16 years and healthy. In 2003 I had a life crisis that impacted my health and forced me to interact with AIDS doctors. “Health Care” felt like rape. They poisoned me with Valcycte, AZT’s stealth cousin. Cost me my right eye. In 2003, they told me I had one year to live. It’s 2024. Not dead. Imperfectly healthy. Take Biktarvy several days a week but not every day. Don’t give a flying fuck about my viral load. HIV Positive since May 1986. End stages AIDS diagnosis Fall 2003.

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Are there still AIDS Dissidents (do you call yourselves something else now?). I thought my community was all dead or taking AIDS drugs. I thought I was the last AIDS Dissident.

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Nuremberg 2.0 News December 2024 ft Quad-Demic? Scamdemic planners push Bird-Flu B.S. (Animal to Human) to Quarantine RFK's choice for Raw Milk Policy, Mark McAfee of Raw Farms (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-daily-news-december Immediate Response by Plannedemic Planners After This Post on Substack at 11:51PM Est. December 6th 2024 at 2:52PM Est. U.S. Milk to Be Tested for Bird Flu Virus. New federal rules call for testing unpasteurized milk from dairy processors and for farm owners to provide details that would help officials identify and track cases more easily. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/06/health/usda-bird-flu-milk-testing.html

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I've had some likes for my comment which is great, thank you.

I've spent 4 years researching HIV/AIDS and the fruits of my labours can be found in my Dan Brown-esque conspiracy-thriller called 'A Dive Into Darkness',



Please also have a listen to my podcast

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-dive-into-darkness-the-story-behind-the-story/id1779499484 'A Dive Into Darkness - The Story Behind The Story' - 17 episodes in.

Please listen, share and review.

Thank you, Paul

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i’ve spent nearly 40 years obsessively researching the failed “hiv”/AIDS theory/narrative searching for explanation why so many of my friends and heroes died while following prescribed treatments to fight an often undetectable phantom that has failed every expectation, prediction, threat and promise made in the 1984 proposed “hiv”/AIDS THEORY that would or could prove existence of the theoretical “hiv” virus true.

Interestingly, the one thing every one of my dead friends and heroes have in common is that they all followed prescribed treatment that I was told in 1987 unless i began immediately would be dead in the two years “hiv” infection was then theorized to kill in.

Didn’t begin AZT.

Not dead yet.

Keep writing and speaking up. Even when it feels like no one is reading or listening.

In the end, words will be the only way to keep Truth alive.

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Thanks. I'm a relative newcomer. I think there are another 50 episodes to record for the ADID podcast.

I've added the 'drugs into bodies' crazies at ACTUP to my list of conspirators - Peter 'Dying for 40 years' Staley and Fauci are best friends - and Big Pharma too.

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Would eagerly appreciate any interaction/exchange regarding my life’s work/obsession. Would welcome any science, fact or verifiable data based challenges to my decades of dissent but all they can do is mock and reject what they can not refute or even demonstrate comprehension of. No one- not even my pcp can provide explanation or support for their beLIEf in the “hiv”/AIDS LIE. Can’t show why they beLIEve what they do but reject irrefutable dissent.

How is it not their religion?

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