There really should be lawsuits against the CDC/NIH for allowing this 'AIDs like' illness to go ignored for so long. Since it's so easily transmitted, I can imagine that there have been and are many more millions that have been infected but didn't/don't even realize it. Anyone with autoimmune or rare cancers should have their immune systems checked for deficiency. People get HIV tests and if they're negative, they assume everything is fine with their immune systems. That's what the doctors assumed with my husband and I until (I insisted) they checked. The CDC/NIH need to admit that they have made a huge mistake.

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Some have a very different view of TB 'germs' and believe that it actually plays a beneficial role but gets blamed for causing illness based on misinterpreted correlations. Regardless, fyi:

December 3, 2021:

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) have also admitted they have no record, authored by anyone, anywhere, ever, describing a controlled experiment using purified mycobacterium tuberculosis and showing that it causes TB and satisfy Koch’s Postulates:


Does mycobacterium tuberculosis (or mycobacterium bovis) cause TB and satisfy Koch’s Postulates?

Michael S. in New Zealand filed FOI requests for records showing the above. The responses:

Ministry of Health, November 2021:


Crown research institute, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), November 2021:


Biosecurity NZ / Ministry of Primary Industries, November 2021:


Biosecurity NZ / Ministry of Primary Industries, November 2021 (re mycobacterium bovis):


Operational Solutions for Primary Industries (OSPRI New Zealand Limited), December 2021 (re mycobacterium bovis) (see page 4):


All of the above NZ institutions failed to provide or cite even 1 responsive record.

Michael’s summary of the situation: TB Disease Causation Inquiry — by Michael S.


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