Oh, you mean like the AI that says George Washington was a black female, or that medieval European knights were Chinese? Sorry, but I'm unconvinced that you are going to get any better information about health from a Pharma stooge AI vs. a Pharma stooge doctor.... The technology is fancier now (with 'machine learning' etc) but at the end of the day, AI is just algorithms and algorithms are 'garbage in, garbage out' propositions. And if Pharma is doing the 'training' of the AI then I predict 99.9% garbage out.

Interesting that the 3 main symptoms of CFS are lack of good sleep, malaise after exertion, and cognitive impairment. Well, anyone who has gone without good sleep can tell you that it results in the other two. Just sayin'..... There's a reason sleep deprivation is used as a torture / mind scrambling device.

Also, those many symptoms remind of of Gulf War Syndrome, which was most likely caused by the horrible Anthrax Vaccine (and probably other vaccines and exposures too). I was in the military in a later period, but still was forced to get the Anthrax vaccine and a bunch of other ones. My health has been a challenge ever since.

Another thing it makes me think of: the horrible Ciprofloxacin antibiotics. These basically kill / maim the mitochondria, resulting in similar effects (fatigue and many others). I know that my mom had lots of UTIs, and they prescribed her Cipro antibiotics. So just a hunch, but I wonder how many of the CFS sufferers took Cipro antibiotics before their CFS started?

Of course the medical industry doesn't care about actual causes of problems or actual solutions, so I don't expect any of these obvious things to be investigated. Their 'answer' to Pharma-poison 'side' effects is always more Pharma poisons...

'Long' 'covid' is another one... how about 'long-term covid vaccine poisoning effects'?

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This CDC study was initiated for a very specific reason. The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee had just voted to convene a workshop of ME/CFS experts to endorse a case definition, using the Canadian Consensus Criteria as a starting point.

This threw HHS into a panic, as the last thing they wanted was for experts to agree on a rigorous case definition.

So, they launched this CDC study that was supposed to be gathering imperical evidence to help with a case definition. But the real reason was to prevent the CCC from being adopted.

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