Both illnesses are IN the various vaccines.

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Why aren't the individuals with this disease demanding more research and investigation? The only thing I can figure is that they either don't know they have ME/CFS or they don't want anyone to know they have it as they feel they may be shunned. I've had it for 11 years now and I couldn't believe the back story and that it spans back 40 years. My doctor was/is clueless about the disease and my complaining goes in one ear and out the other as I know he doesn't understand or doesn't think it's a real disease. He's retiring and he actually told me not to tell the new doctor anything as they won't believe me. It is totally frustrating and unbelievable. The individuals who think there are no easily transmissable deadly viruses / pathogens out there, they are so wrong.

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Sorry to hear of your troubles.

"The individuals who think there are no easily transmissable deadly viruses / pathogens out there, they are so wrong." -- Evidence?

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