Jun 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

I first watched without sound looking at the scenes. It was humorous to discover most of the narration is about the extensive side effects!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

LITERALLY HALF of the video is warning about the side effects!

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Jun 26Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Yeah, this is nutty. The repeated side effects take up half the video, LOL.

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LITERALLY half. It’s tragicomic.

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Jun 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

This commercial starts with “If you’re living with HIV….” Who are they talking about? What does it mean to live with HIV? Nothing other than you tested positive for HIV. People wake up! It’s been 40 years since the government declared they had discovered the probable cause of AIDS. How long are you going to keep believing in this nonsense?

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What should they do instead? Wait until all their T cell disappear and then take the pills?

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Nothing. They should stop doing anything about “HIV/AIDS”. If they stop diagnostic tests, there will be no more people who are “living with AIDS”.

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Well then, do the experiment. Take some poison to kill all your T Cells and tell us what happened.

What could go wrong with having zero T Cells, amiright?

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I found out today is the national HIV testing day. If we quit testing people for HIV then there will be no more people living with HIV. I think AIDS industry is a part of the military industrial complex. Why do you think this woman is wearing a military uniform?

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In the Proto-AIDS era, the people were presenting with weird stuff like pneumocystis pneumonia or Kaposi sarcoma spots, but this doesn't seem to be happening since long time ago.

How can we find out the number of people presenting to the doctor's office with a CD4 count below 500 (ART recommended) or below 200 (defined as AIDS)?

Seems like a straightforward question. Does anybody know?

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If you realize that there is no such thing as AIDS then everything becomes clear to you. AIDS is a concept that includes all kinds of different diseases. The only common denominator is positive result to what is called the HIV test.

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For sure KS stopped showing up when people cut down or stopped their poppers use. Did women ever show KS? Typically poppers were a guy's thing but only occasionally as a fun thing on a dance floor by women

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People forget that the surgeon GENERAL is a military position.

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I remember seeing the guy who represents the CDC at the Event 201 was also wearing a military uniform.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

It is very dystopian. Hopefully just a display of their dark vision of the future and not much else.

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Jun 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Cabenuva or Casanova?

Goes straight to the bone marrows and lingers, or what?

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Somebody needs to write a parody song calling this shit out. Won’t be me, I have no aptitude for that.

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Jun 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Has anyone taken HIV meds and concieved ?

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Yes, I don’t believe ARVs have an adverse effect on fertility. This may be the only adverse effect not associated with these drugs.

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Jun 29Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

So I was thinking today about Biden's, um, less than stelar performance on the presidential debate last night. It got me to thinking that Biden MUST be 'retained in care' for all kinds of things at his age. No doubt he has doctors hovering around him all the time. If there was a betting pool on the kind of poly-pharmacy he's on, I would wager on the higher end, and I would also wager that these pharma drugs are messing with him.

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Honestly, when I see Biden he moves and speaks like my father did when he had months left to live. It’s truly sad. My mom and sisters and I have been saying that this is elder abuse for some time. He’s certainly “retained in care” on god knows what, I honestly feel bad for him at this point, and I’m very unimpressed with Jill Biden. The weird thing is — did you see when he addressed a rally later on? He seemed all jacked up then and totally coherent. What is going on??

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Yes, I did see the rally clip and I thought the same thing. But then someone posted a 3rd rally clip where Jill was speaking, and Biden just stood behind her with this completely vacant look on his face. Something for sure weird is going on.

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Literally no one can claim that the mainstream media is honest anymore. They’ve been caught red handed.

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That’s the lesson from the debate. Not who won.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Oh for sure. They've been propping up his presidency since day one. Just a week ago or so I commented on a video by the David Packman Show on youtube. He's very left leaning, and oddly did a hit piece on Trump that was all about Trumps supposed mental decline and potential dementia. But not a word about Biden's clear issues. So today I watched Packman's reaction to the debate and it was just as if he was caught red handed and he basically owned up to it, given that there was no potential to spin the debate any other way. I mean, Trump was seen as the coherent rational one which is admittedly sort of mind-bending. I still can't help but wonder if Biden is so hopped up on pharmaceuticals that he's not able to think rationally.

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That was literally the best performance of Trump’s entire CAREER. And I say this not as a Trump supporter.

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It's hard not to veer into conspiracy given the wackiness of the debate, but it kinda almost seems like Biden was thrown under the bus. The number of people both talking about and clamoring for his removal from the ticket seem almost too perfect.

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Jun 28Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

No. Always no.

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Jun 26Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

I don't watch television very much anymore. But my wife watches all the time. One of the things I have noticed--and it's stepped up big time since 2020--is that literally every other commercial is an advertisement for a "vaccine" or some other horribly toxic treatment for some malady I've never heard of before. Yes, I noticed a large humber of of pharma commercial before 2020. But it's become so prevalent now that it has become "tragicomic." Not only for the long list of "side effects," but also because the commercials' creators portray such a dystopian dreary Great Reset view of "living your best life." But hey, what else would you expect from the people who want to kill us?

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Jun 26Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith


Thanks, Miss Rebecca.

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You’re welcome. 🤣

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I love all the fine print pronouncements, like "Undetectable means the amount of HIV in the blood is below the level that can be measured by a lab test..." So, do they want you to believe you still have HIV even if you test negative, just itty bitty amounts? And thus must forever be retained in care??

How can anyone fall for this stuff??

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This is why we don't have a TV.

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