I don't think the CDC and other 3 letter agencies are really in touch with gay men. They always say that PrEP is to be used with condoms to prevent HIV. But the reality is that it's seen as the license to have 'unprotected' sex. This is such a weird area to take notice of honestly. Gay men have been beaten over the head with the sex=death message for such a long time that PrEP has been the key that unlocked the floodgates of permission to just have sex. And by 'just have sex' means to have it without the nanny-state over our shoulders at every moment scolding you for interacting with someone else's semen. And for the younger generation of guys, 'HIV'/AIDS is a kind of abstraction, something that happened before but isn't a current reality.

So message fatigue + PrEP means you're probably going to have higher rates of run of the mill STI's, are they surprised by this? But given the lack of market saturation for PrEP, I wonder how long it will be that a rise in STI's isn't being accompanied by a rise in AIDS? The Perth Group note this in several of their papers, that 'HIV' doesn't behave like regular old STI's.

Since syphillis was mentioned, Dr. Sam Bailey just tackled this one.


It's thought provoking. I don't know what the truth is, but I love her poking at the medical system.

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I saw that video as well and I enjoyed it.

Did you know that there was a theory in the early 2000s (and possibly earlier but I wasn’t involved in this stuff then) that AIDS was really late stage syphilis? It was like a “dissident” splinter group.

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Oh interesting, I hadn't heard about that.

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I need to go look at the Wayback machine for the old virusmyth site which was a total goldmine. There is definitely some stuff about that. If I find something interesting I’ll post it.

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As always, thank you

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The gay porn studios at NASA can now be in your very own bedroom, courtesy of 5G and googleplex VR. 😂

Remote viewing = peeping toms,PC’s and harriets.

A bit like the lively Elizabeth April and the galactic federation ( feds in space) .

Linked in just sent a freedom advice, 😂 all in it together, eh coppers?

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Syndemic may be a mere sillier variation of Sindemic - but who's to judge, right?

You need to ask the folks who write the scripts for this Truman Show Live Simulation Reality TV Show we've all been sucked in to, however partially aware of the artificial nature of mass media-crafted reality or not. Not even sure the wars are real at this point.

Best guess for scriptwriters' home base is the RAND Corp.

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So why are they looking at ‘HIV’ disproportionately affecting transgender women? Could it be because they are actually gay men incognito? Sorry if this offends anyone….

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My husband had a doctors appointment today and they offered him a shot for FLU,COVID… etc AND test for syphilis 😳

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The only time I’ve had a syphilis test was during my green card medical exam in 2008. They tested for syphilis and HIV but DHS dropped HIV in 2010.

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Yeah, makes me wonder if this is an increase in incidence or an increase in testing.

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