If anything will topple the AIDS lie, it's the COVID lie.

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Let's talk about AIDS amplification systems.

AIDS appeared a decade after Stonewall unleashed the gay sexual revolution; a decade after Factor 8 was first available to haemophiliacs; just under a decade after the War on Drugs was declared. Suddenly there were bathhouses where gay men could have sex with as many other gay men as they could manage. There were shooting galleries where drug users could share needles with dozens of other drug users, several times a day. Haemophilics could infuse anytime, any place, with a product born out of the plasma of thousands of donors.

So, just as the rapid increase in lung cancer deaths observed during the 20th century, first seen in male and then later in female smokers, can be traced directly to the wide-scale adoption of commercial cigarettes, so the advent of AIDS can be traced directly to events which occurred either side of 1970.

AIDS had nothing to do with a new virus called HIV.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

"We are now in our fifth decade of AIDS. By all accounts, the “war on AIDS” has been a dismal failure. Prevalence of HIV antibody positivity remains effectively identical, at one million Americans, as it was in the mid 1980s." Obviously not an epidemic. Some immune systems react slightly more to the proteins in the HIV test than others. Our bodies are not identical. There was an epidemiologist who argued in the eighties that virtually all of us would be HIV positive if the blood samples used for the test were not diluted enormously before testing. If memory serves he worked in New York, but was originally from Colombia. Roberto Giraldo comes to mind.

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Stefan Lanka said that explicitly, although he may not have been the first to do so.

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I think if folks continue to spread the word about PrEP it may open some eyes. My husband glazes over a bit when I attempt to explain the dodgey science behind the viral cause of AIDS... but when I told him about PrEP he immediately smelled a rat. Getting healthy young people on "viral suppressants" which are low dose chemo drugs is obvious insanity. I had not heard about this until Celia Farber did a story on your book. I almost wondered if it was exaggerated it seemed so insane. Within a few months I spotted a billboard for PrEP in my small town. I couldnt believe we have a clinic specifically for getting people on the PrEP regimen! Keep sounding the alarm!

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Just like the war on drugs has failed! If pot, coke and other drugs were legal, you couldn't find any because no profit is involved. The legal drugs are the ones we need to fear. There is no virus at all, and it has been proven scientifically. So, you must ask yourself the question, why is this fraud being pushed for 60 years when no such thing exists at all? Sterility in men and women, death by injection, then depopulation by design. It is the eugenics project on steroids.

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I salute you for your bravery, your clarity and your cogency. Please keep up the excellent work.

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The cause of AIDS was and is obvious. It took me an hour of reading 'And The Band Played On' for the penny to drop.

The culprit was a pathogen that was / is:

Common in sexually very highly active male homosexuals (10-15% of male gays), Haitians, the most needle-sharing IVDUs, haemophiliacs (via factor 8), Central Africans

Was associated with PCP, KS, other cancers of the lymphoretic system, hepatitis, pneumonia, Toxoplasmosis, Candidiasis and other OIs

Impacted upon T cell production and maturation , counts and subverted the ratios

Impacted upon thymus, bone marrow and B-cells

a catalyst for fever, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue

In the wrong circumstances fatal

Multi-strain and incurable

Had a synergestic impact upon EBV

Prayed upon the immunosuppressed

A cause of immunosuppression

Responsible for premature ageing

Was triggered by antibiotics, steroids, qualludes, poppers, pot

Was fatal depending upon viral load / threshold value

An inducer of reverse transciptase

Although AIDS was caused by multi-factor immune system overload / burn out, especially of the thymus gland which meant t-cell production withered and died, the main culprit was CMV. CMV doesn't kill t-cells, it plays hide and seek with them, diverts them away from other infectious agents, causes the bone marrow and t-cell production and maturation process to malfunction and eventually burn out.

All of the above I have discovered in 3 and a half years of research into AIDS. All of the above I have learned from reputable, freely available papers and sources.

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Paul... I have also been researching my and my husbands symptoms for the past 10 years. Your comments all make sense. In my case, I know exactly when I was infected (via saliva from an IV drug user) 10 years ago. Our immunoglobulins are deficient and our T cells are borderline deficient and continue to decline. The striking thing is that our immune systems look identical. We both have tested negative for HIV, HTLV, CMV, EBV and various others but that doesn't mean there isn't another unknown strain, i.e of CMV, EBV, etc. Last year, it was discovered that I had Myasthenia Gravis and a Thymoma. I had my thymus removed due to the size of the tumor. I've read various articles that point to specific viruses that can attack the Thymus and cause Myasthenia Gravis, including CMV, EBV, HTLV, Parvo B19, etc. So I whole heartily agree that this virus/pathogen affects the Thymus, bone marrow, etc. I've tried to get various universities to test my (frozen) Thymus, but NO ONE is even interested. Aren't there any virologists out there who want to find the real cause on non-hiv AIDs??? My God, they could win a Noble Prize. I want to scream at the top of my lungs... I'm so angry because I contracted this disease so easily via saliva. I believe the CDC, NIH, etc. know about this contagion and they haven't made the public aware of it. None of the doctors that we've seen seem to care with the exception of one, but even he seems to want to throw in the towel. We're basically on our own trapped in our house/bubble due to our immune systems. So unreal, so mad and so sad.

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So sorry to hear this. Where are you living? I'm in England.

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Thank You Paul. I'm in upstate New York. I also forgot to mention that the doctor that has tried to help me gave me a trial of antiretrovirals for several months and there was basically no improvement in the Immunoglobulins or T cells. I feel like the answer to the pathogen may be hidden in my (frozen) Thymus tissue or maybe in my bone marrow, but it seems there are no Infectious Disease doctors or researchers who are even remotely interested in trying to get any answers for us. I'm down to researching on my own for supplements that may help the immune system. It's been a shocking and disappointing journey with the medical community.

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I hope you and your husband are feeling well today.

I too have been shocked by what I have discovered about the medical-science community re AIDS. To know that the CDC, NIH, WHO, NHS etc etc have knowingly sold the world a lie for 40 years is mind-blowing and I too have been incredibly frustrated at the lack of interest from the media, the LGBTQ+ community etc. I have been working on several different book ideas (apart from my debut thriller A Dive Into Darkness based upon my AIDS research which I'm serialising on Substack at the moment) and I had an epiphany last night. 23/4/24 is the 40th anniversary of the infamous 'Probable Cause of AIDS' press conference. I am going to write a very short book, 10000 words, and self publish it on KDP. The title will be 'Improbable Cause: The True Story of the Press Conference Which Changed The Story Of AIDS.' I should be honoured if you would agree to be my editor for this project. What do you think? Best wishes, Paul

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Hello and thank you for your reply. I'm honored that you would consider me for an editor for your book. As much as I would like to, I must decline as both my husband and I also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I basically would not be up to the task. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as you probably already know is linked to immune dysfunction/deficiency and it is proposed that the pathogen which causes this chronic illness may well be the pathogen that's responsible for the immune deficiency seen in both CFS and HIV. Thanks for individuals like Rebecca Culshaw and Neenyah Ostrom for bringing critical information regarding these illnesses to light. Thanks again and I wish you great success with your book!

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‘Day Of Infamy: The True Story of The Press Conference Which Changed AIDS Forever.’

Chapter One - Monday, April 23rd, 1984

'At 1.15pm on Monday, April 23rd, 1984, at the Hubert H. Humphrey Building, First Floor Auditorium, Ronald Reagan’s Health Secretary Margaret Heckler walked to the podium and uttered the immortal words:

‘The probable cause of AIDS has been found.’

As if that wasn’t momentous enough, she continued: ‘Not only has the agent been identified, but a new process has been developed to mass produce this virus. This discovery is crucial because it enables us for the first time to char-acterize the agent in detail and to understand its behavior.’

There was still more: ‘Thirdly, with discovery of both the virus and this new process, we now have a blood test for AIDS which we hope can be widely available within about six months. We have applied for the patent on this process today. With the blood test, we can identify AIDS victims with essentially 100 percent certainty. Thus, we should be able to ensure that blood for transfusion is free from AIDS.’

Then came the money shot: ‘We hope to have such a vaccine ready for testing in approximately two years.’

Heckler then took aim at the government’s many critics. "‘From the first day that AIDS was identified in 1981, HHS scientists and their medical allies have never stopped searching for the answers to the AIDS mystery. Without a day of procrastination, the resources of the Public Health Service have been effectively mobilized. Today we add another miracle to the long honor roll of American medicine and science," said Heckler. "Those who have said we weren't doing enough," she added, in response to widespread complaints of inactivity on AIDS by the Reagan administration, "have not understood how sound, solid, significant medical research proceeds’ and she singled out ‘our eminent Dr Robert Gallo, chief of the National Cancer Institute Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology, who directed the research that pro-duced this discovery’ for especial praise.

Despite Heckler’s assertion that ‘Today's discovery represents the triumph of science over a dreaded disease’, not everyone was convinced. The New York Times was guarded: ‘Mrs. Heckler's announcement, however, promised too much too soon. The discovery is not yet ''the triumph of science over a dread disease,'' as she put it, or even a proven cause of AIDS. It is only the nomination of a prime suspect.’

Despite the naysayers, the official US government announcement of the discovery of the probable cause of AIDS on April 23rd, 1984, was the before and after moment for the syndrome. ‘Biomedical researchers, and in particular vi-rologists, had staked out claims to "ownership" of AIDS, and had done so through powerful findings concerning a probable causal agent. The credibility of AIDS research rapidly became linked to the credibility of this particular causal claim: between 1984 and 1986, the retroviral hypothesis would achieve near-hegemonic status among sci-entists. It would also, by and large, be taken for granted in the communities affected by the epidemic, in the mass media, and among the lay public.’

Interest in etiology trailed off, while interest in the virus itself exploded: these facts, taken as a whole, are consistent with what is intuitively apparent—that the hypothesis "HIV causes AIDS" enjoyed a rapid and successful transition to the status of scientific fact following the press conference. Expressions of doubt or skepticism—let alone support for other hypotheses—were extraordinarily rare throughout thereafter.

Forty years on, this book puts Heckler’s claims under the microscope. Did HHS scientists and their medical allies really never stop searching for the answers to the AIDS mystery from June 1981? Was the finding of the AIDS virus really the product of ‘sound, solid, significant medical research’? Just how ‘eminent’ was Dr Robert Gallo?'

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Hi. I wrote a very detailed reply but then my laptop crashed..... I'm off to bed now as I have to be up early. I'm a History teacher not a medic so can't really comment on your cases but re AIDS I do know the CDC screwed up either because of incompetence or because they wanted to keep their ship afloat. Probably rhe lattter. I'll try to message you again tomorrow. Best wishes, Paul

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Nobel price winner (for inventing the PCR-test) Kary Mullis agrees:

Kary Mullis interview with Gary Null - 1996


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Yes. I re-watched this last weekend. First watched it 3 years ago.

I knew 3 years ago the HIV causes AIDS orthodoxy was a scam because of this:

the guy who got the Nobel prize for the discovery of HIV wrote this in 2002:

'To better characterize the new virus, we tried (unsuccessfully)to grow the BRU isolate in different T cell lines. If we had tried the LAI isolate instead, we would have been able to grow the virus without any trouble. In October 1983, we were finally able to grow the BRU isolate in Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cell lines, although we discovered later that the LAI virus had contaminated our BRU culture ((5). At least six laboratories received the LAI sample (under the name BRU) from our group and experienced the same contamination. We think that the LAI virus readily contaminated the BRU culture because it associates with a mycoplasma species, Mycoplasma pirum, usually present in T cell lines. This physical association makes a fraction of the LAl virus highly infectious, and, in fact, this fraction can be neutralized with antibodies against M. pirum. As mycoplasmas are common contaminants of cultured cells, an infectious pseudotype virus (LAI associated with M. pirum) may have caused several contaminations between 1983 and 1984 in different laboratories.'


These contaminations included the UK lab which produced the UK AIDS blood test kits.

Apart from the double-contaminant, neither Montagnier nor Gallo nor the CDC or anybody else could 'grow' an isolate and that is why I believe the HIV causes AIDS orthodoxy is a scam.

Having established HIV was a scam, I had to find an alternative cause of AIDS. CMV and the immune system burn out hypothesis ticks every box.

T-cells weren't being killed, they were not being produced / matured due to the malfunctioning of the bone marrow and thymus.

See https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6598313/

'Histologic study of the thymus glands from patients who have died of AIDS reveals changes consistent with an organ-specific immune complex attack by polyclonal immunoglobulins directed against the thymic epithelial cells, Hassall's corpuscles, and certain subsets of thymocytes. This results in marked architectural alteration: there is eventual disappearance of the corpuscles, the epithelial cells become spindled with pyknotic nuclei, there is thymocyte depletion and patchy fibrosis, and there is loss of the normal corticomedullary demarcation. These changes are characteristic and are not found in the normal aging process of the thymus gland. The blood levels of thymic peptides are abnormal. There appears to be specific immunoglobulins directed against thymic epithelial cells, Hassall's corpuscles, and certain subsets of T lymphocytes. The end result appears to be both a histologic and functional thymic disorder. If this is correct, then appropriate therapy for AIDS may be thymic peptide replacement or even thymic transplantation.'

This is written by what Sonneband would call a 'real pro' not a third rater like Gallo or Fauci.

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This is an even better explanation (by another 'real pro') of my hypothesis: that AIDS was immune system burn out resulting in the means of production of t-cells was damaged beyond repair by CMV/other infections / antibiotics/ steroids/ drugs/ sperm etc.


'Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a severe disorder of unknown etiology and pathogenesis, predominantly affecting homosexual males and other high-risk groups and characterized by profound alterations in T-lymphocyte function. The authors have examined thymus tissue from 14 patients who died of AIDS and compared the results with findings in five control groups: healthy age-matched controls, elderly individuals, patients with chronic or debilitating illnesses other than AIDS, infants with conditions causing "stress atrophy," and patients with myasthenia gravis. The AIDS group included 11 homosexual males, 1 Haitian, 1 homosexual who was also a drug abuser, and a 10-month-old infant believed to have contracted AIDS following blood transfusion. All the AIDS cases showed marked thymus involution with severe depletion of both lymphocytes and epithelial elements. The latter component consisted primarily of thin cords and nests of primitive-appearing epithelial cells that could be defined by positive immunohistochemical staining for keratin. Many cases showed a variable plasma cell infiltration, and the majority exhibited distinct vascular changes in the form of hyalinization and/or onion-skin patterns, primarily in the adventitia. Most striking of all was the marked paucity of Hassall's corpuscles; four patients had none at all, while in the other ten patients all the Hassall's corpuscles were calcified. These changes were far more extensive than those seen in any of the control groups, which retained most of their complement of Hassall's corpuscles even in the face of marked overall involution. The physiologic function of Hassall's corpuscles is not known, but recent immunohistochemical studies have implicated them in the synthesis of "facteur thymique serique" (FTS, thymulin) and other thymic hormones known to play a role in regulating T-helper and suppressor cell activity. It is conceivable that the extensive destruction of Hassall's corpuscles observed in AIDS may be a crucial element in the pathogenesis of this syndrome.'

Such articles disappeared once Fauci took over the research / funding control strings.....

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This ticks a lot of the AIDS boxes..........

Signs And Symptoms of Thymus Disorders

The thymus gland is an important part of your immune system. It helps to make T-cells, which help fight infections and diseases. If you have a problem with your thymus gland, it can affect the way your body works and make it harder for the body to fight off infections.

So, let’s talk about some of the signs that something might be wrong with your thymus gland.

Chest Pain

Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms associated with the thymus gland. The thymus is located in your chest, so it makes sense that you might experience chest pain if there’s something wrong with it. It’s important to know that chest pain can also be caused by other things besides an issue with your thymus gland, so it’s best to talk to your doctor if you notice this kind of symptom.

Shortness Of Breath

Shortness of breath that lasts more than a few minutes can be a warning sign that something could be wrong with your thymus gland. Remember, the thymus gland is located in the upper chest. When you experience shortness of breath, it’s usually because your body is having trouble moving air through the lungs or getting enough oxygen into the blood. This could be caused by inflammation in the lungs, which makes it difficult for them to expand and contract.

Weight Loss

One of the first signs that something might be wrong with your thymus gland is unexplained weight loss. If you start to lose weight without trying, and can’t explain it by diet or exercise changes, then this could be a sign of thymus gland disorders.

Persistent Coughing

You may have a persistent cough if your thymus gland is malfunctioning. The problem with the thymus gland is that it produces too many white blood cells, which can cause the lung tissue to become inflamed. This inflammation can cause you to cough up thick mucus. If you are experiencing a persistent cough, it’s important for you to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Trouble Swallowing

Trouble swallowing may indicate something is wrong with your thymus gland. While this is a common symptom of many problems, it’s especially important to pay attention if you’re having trouble swallowing liquids. Your throat may feel swollen or tight, or you might notice pain when swallowing.

Hoarse Voice

A hoarse voice can signal a problem with your thymus gland. When your thymus is not functioning properly, it will stop producing white blood cells, which will, in turn, cause infections throughout your body. These infections can cause swelling in the throat or vocal cords, resulting in a hoarse voice.

Dizziness And Headache

If you’ve been feeling lightheaded or have headaches, it could be a sign that something’s not right with your thymus gland. Many people experience these symptoms when they’re feeling sick, but if you’ve noticed them more often than usual, it might mean that something is wrong with your immune system.

Swelling in your face, neck, or upper chest

If you notice swelling in this area, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your thymus gland. This includes the lymph nodes and other parts of your immune system.

The swelling might start slowly and get progressively worse over time. It’s important to see a doctor if you notice swelling in this area because it can be a symptom of something more serious.


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