Here’s the FDA review of Prep. The data is different than what was published in NEJM: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/nda/2012/021752Orig1s030MedR.pdf

Pg 105: there’s a significant differential in Malaria between placebo and control. We know nucleoside analogues can be antimicrobial and that malaria antibodies cross react on HIV antibody tests. This might explain things.

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Does PREP actually reduce the probability of having a HIV positive test? If so what is the mechanism?

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HIV seropositivity does not mean there is a virus, in fact no HIV virus has ever been found


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I found this article today in my research that may be helpful to your work. “Aging CellVolume 22, Issue 1 e13750


Open Access from Dec. 2022.

Antiretroviral protease inhibitors induce features of cellular senescence that are reversible upon drug removal.” Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all you have done and all you are doing.

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The “Rare Prep failure” article also shows the folly of viral load tests. The guy on PrEP with consistent use tested HIV antibody negative - so why did they run a viral load test? I’ve been to that clinic and apparently they run pooled viral load testing of everybody. He gets a very small “viral load” and they do nothing to rule out a false positive - instead, they immediately put him on HAART, so when the next viral load test comes in at “undetectable” they say it’s due to the drugs. Now they’ve created a customer for life.

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The claim Gilead withheld development of TAF originally came from TAG, which was the Astro-turf offshoot of ACT-UP founded by meth addict Pete Staley. TAG is funded by Gilead, so it seems strange Gilead would pay for criticism of Gilead and get a legal action narrative out there - UNLESS the cost of the lawsuits is a loss leader and catalyzing them was intentional in order to increase demand for Descovy when Truvada went off patent.

Also, nucleoside analogs are substitutes for the letters of DNA, and it’s probably not a coincidence TAG, South Africa’s TAC, Anthony Fauci’s “AIDS Clinical Trials Group” ACTG (the funder of the AZT trial) and others such as California Aids Council CAC are all letters of DNA. Even ACT-Up is close if you count Uracil. A racket is a crime that repeats itself, and they’re just cycling through the analogues.

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