Important column, Neenyah. An often overlooked topic when it comes to ME--the lethality of the disease. Governments of several nations have worked to relegate ME to the nether regions of mental health and other fictions, and citizens have drunk the Kool Aid. In fact, suicide may be the third leading cause of death in ME, while it is the 11th cause of death in the US population. But the longevity issues you cite are a critical piece of this issue, as well. If ME sufferers are dying of cardiac disease in their fifties, that's a story. Most ME deaths could probably be considered premature, and that's what is not being addressed, either. If health agencies around the world addressed ME as they would any other fatal disease, I think the history would look very different.

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I saw this tragic story online. I am wondering whether there may be an hhv6 connection being overlooked

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Painful this CFS i lack information when it come to it, is it some kind of unknown virus because i always read it is associated with AIDS

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