Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

In response to the ridiculousness of Ms Watson’s criticisms and demand for a public apology from the Foo Fighters’ Mr Grohl is she’s either clearly not familiar with the Perth Group comprehensive study showing that in fact everything we’ve been told by so called experts on HIV/AIDS is wrong. Most significant was HIV doesn’t exist and therefore couldn’t possibly be the cause of AIDS. End of discussion!

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Being pedantic here, but this is important to make the distinction — “HIV” has not BEEN PROVEN TO EXIST. That’s not the same as “proven to not exist,” which is necessarily impossible.

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Oh, and I should say that apparently vaccine uptake is down across the board, owing to skepticim from covid. I just found out yesterday a person I know who was all on board with getting vaxxed for covid, got his boosters, etc., got covid again this week. I should be more accurate here, he had some vague symptoms that in years past would have been passed off as a cold or a flu, ran to his dr. and had a positive reaction on the covid test. This is a common story. The people most vaxxed seem to be the ones who get sick, call it covid or something else. Me, unvaxxed, and don't care about covid, still haven't had it.

I think people are waking up and this video I think is like the beast lashing out as it's backed into a corner.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs agoAuthor

My mom went from a person that was fairly in the middle with regard to vaccination and medical tests, and even got a flu vaccine once or twice, to being STRONGLY against all vaccines & most medical preventative treatment/tests (I’m sure the fact that my father literally died because of a medical error had something to do with it). I’m sure everyone here has similar examples and stories.

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Christine Maggiore had spunk to stand up to the narrative, may she rest in peace.

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You’re telling me! Brave.

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

According to Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winner for PCR technology used to determine “hiv” “viral load” scientific evidence that the often undetectable “hiv” phantom causes AIDS “doesn’t exist”. My nearly 40 years of research study agrees. http://www.free-news.org/mulluk01.htm

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

I don't follow "popular culture" but it surprises me the idea that the same people who see no problem with the bizarre acronym MAP (Minor Attracted Person) have some kind of complaining to do when a man has children out of wedlock.

Simply put: you cannot have everything. A patient with Moral Busybody Disorder can pretend to be a 1655 Calvinist, or pretend to be a 2024 Nazi maskhole who poisons children and pregnant women and insists that a ten year old must know what the terms BDSM, Polyamori, Genderfluid mean, before he or she learns how to use Ruffini's rule to divide polynomials.

There is no middle ground in those two hateful stock characters. They have to pick one and stick with it.

I mean, people should know at least basic mathematics before talking about politics.

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What does that have to do with the topic of this post?

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Absolutely nothing. But welcome to the Internet. How old are you? Off-topic comments are quite common in this universe, and they tend to add color and funny sounding chords to anything they ornament.

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What does my age have to do with my challenging your attempt to muddle the topic of this discussion with unrelated issues that are clearly intended not to contribute but to inflame?

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First, you misinterpret my intention. The article starts by mentioning something weird that caught my attention. I get distracted by things like that. I'm neurodivergent. (No, I'm not, but it's a fancy term that is getting trendy now.) I think it is a good thing to point out the lack of awareness of the victims of political radicalization, manifested as hypocrisy in this case.

Second, if you were young, your lack of experience in comment sections would explain your wasteful policing of my comment. If you were >=30 you would have no excuse for your lack of sense of humor.

Third: the severe condition of moral busybody personality disorder (MBPD) is real and a huge problem, because it wastes beautiful electric energy in utterly useless criticism of irrelevant people, such as rock stars, using horribly wrong takes on very important topics, like the fraud of HIV. Well, it's not really a severe condition, it's just that Miss Watson from the video is dumb, ignorant, incurious and lacks compassion and basic human decency, like all other retarded youtubers who repeat the evil party line of fascio-communist organizations who actually have a big trail of blood in their record.

Brother Strawberry, if you think you may have MBPD go test today, you may be eligible for benefits and a special parking card for adults with special needs, and maybe there is an experimental drug you may be interested to purchase for a nominal fee. (I predict you will not find this last joke funny at all, Brother)

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

My view is that Ms. Watson has her opinion on the matter that I don't agree with at all.

The other aspect of the discussion I find much more interesting. That of the Foo Fighters support of Alive and Well and the conceqent retraction.

The Foo Fighters were active in promoting the recent ' medical intervention' to the point where they publicly stated that access to their concerts was only for the medically 'up to date'. This discussed me and showed them for the mindless spinless weasels they actually are.

My point is that Dave Grohl is what I have been referring to as a 'Nicey nicey' since the pandemic began. Being NN's he would have been drawn to an organization such as Alive and Well without realizing the gravity of the arena his niceness had taken him. I am sure that Dave Grohl s weasel conviction soon evaporated as soon as activists got upset with him and he quietly morphed along in search of the next agreeable pseudo radical superficial activity he likes to occupy his life with.

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Plus they mocked folks protesting outside a gig.


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🤯 Thanks for the link.

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You're welcome Rebecca

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They sure got rid of the vaccine requirements once it proved unpopular. My son is a huge Foo Fighters fan & I took him to a show in May. They dropped that restriction REAL fast.

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

20th century man has an odd desire to be diagnosed with some condition or disease, even one with no symptoms. The medical field is happy to meet that desire- run a blood test, find some component "out of range," and now they have a lifetime patient.

A corrolary of that odd desire is that those with symptoms will seek a specific "it," an external "it" over which the "patient" has no control, upon which to blame those symptoms.

What is the alternative? Personal responsibility? So, it doesn't surprise me that many refuse to hear the "no virus" position, or in this case, the no disease position. Nor does it surprise me that anyone who holds one or both of those positions must therefore be attacked.

But, not all of us are naive innocents. Some are personally fully aware of the harm that comes from abundant and frequent drug use, both illicit drugs and pharma-produced drugs, either of which are sufficient to cause the symptoms the medical establishment termed a syndrome.

Does this girl actually know what she's talking about, or is she just one more in a long line of robotic cult speakers? It is she and those who argue as she does who are actually complicit in the deaths of those who continued to be poisoned by Big Medicine because of their belief in the HIV fraud. It is her line of argument that stigmatizes the "gay community" by blaming a virus said to spread via anal intercourse. How upside down can a narrative be?

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

A 'skeptic' is basically a science cheerleader. It's great that people are warning us about scams and charlatans and so on. Maybe that photo we took did not capture a disembodied spirit after all - maybe it was just the camera strap that got in the way of the lens? All that stuff is very useful.

Too bad that these skeptics also see themselves as the Reality Police - almost as if they are the enforcement arm of Wikipedia. They should be investigators, as per their original mission. But they are basically hunting for phenomena or ideas to debunk, because they want to feel useful and important.

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Didn’t The Foo Fighters retract their opinion years ago?

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My understanding is that they just stopped promoting Alive & Well. I’m not sure anything was ever said publicly. It certainly didn’t get a lot of attention if they did.

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Ms. Watson, I hope your video arises from ignorance and not shilling, greed, and deception; however, if it does, can we say the “e” word (evil)? Love to you, Christine ❤️

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

It's a testament to the power of a belief system. Reading through the comments it's like religious adherents decrying a heretic. I really can understand how Galileo must have felt with his knowledge about heliocentrism. Imagine knowing something to be true and having to contend with a world around you that believe the exact opposite. It really drives home the point about how much damage Gallo and Montagnier have done to the world.

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Most of the Galileos of the world are only vindicated after they die, sadly.

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Sep 25Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

The comments are depressing.

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They read like people that have been brainwashed into a cult. Seriously.

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Well, Ms. Watson certainly is, as she said herself, sarcastic and annoying. Oh, and seriously misinformed about HIV. Shame on her for perpetuating vicious lies about Christine Maggiore, a beautiful soul whose memory we need to honor.

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So this being retained in care thing, I've been getting calls from my health insurance provider. They keep calling wanting me to have a yearly 'wellness check' so they have 'accurate' health information. At 56 I know they're going to do everything they can to put me on pharmaceuticals, which currently I'm on zero. I finally talked to someone who just called and I said I stay away from doctors as much as possible, no thanks.

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