For this old man this lengthy article is simply just more of a tsunami of information and mis-information as we have seen not only for the last 4+ COVID years but maybe for my entire old life. People are still worshiping the false "science" gods and if only enough studies and examination of still greater depth THEN, finally THEN, we will have reached understanding. My view is if you live a life on the edge, don't be surprised if you get "cut". And don't go to the government non-"health" agencies to save you from the consequences of your life. We all believe that Darwin had a reasonable theory of "survival of the species." We are supposed to pay the price for our mistakes so that humanity has a better long-term chance of survival. I am tired - so tired of the focus on "modern medicine." Except for killing a few bacterial infections (but at what long-term cost), I have not benefited from medicine. I have instead suffered at the hands of "modern medicine" and intentional withholding of medical science information or effective treatments. I have had great loss from modern medicine - people who are gone from this earth at the hands of doctors - the Joseph Mengele's of today still hiding behind white coats and lofty titles. Stop looking and listening to the Wizards of Medical OZ because they are no longer behind the curtain.

I live a simple life following the science of Dr. Satchin Panda of the Salk Institute. He proved that, as he said, "WHEN you eat is more important than WHAT you eat." [This is not a typo - read it again "WHEN"] and he said "Sadly it is better to eat an unhealthy meal DURING THE DAY because eating later in the evening turns even nutritious food into junk (inflammation - the root of all illness - is caused CONTINUOUSLY all night and it doesn't stop until one awakens AND is exposed to light. Who also recommended eating relative to the position of the sun? Christ - in the little known of ancient documents titled "The Essene Gospel of Peace." He said to have one meal "with the sun at its highest" and a 2nd meal "with the setting of the sun." Christ also said "A fast of 7 days will cure you of all of the sins (you committed) against your body." In May I did a 7 day fast. Not easy but not painful or uncomfortable. It's a mind game. "EAT!!!" "DON"T EAT!!!." If you want health bad enough, you don't eat. After 4 days I was in bliss - nirvana. My primary thought at that point was "I NEVER want to eat again and lose this blissful state." Isn't that interesting. What Christ basically said ".... cure all the sins against your body." On day 6, at 72 years of age, I went for an uptempo run for over 20 minutes IN 92 DEGREE TEMPERATURE. I had not eaten in over 5 days - only water and high mineral salt. As Hippocrates wrote 2,400 years ago: "If YOU are sick and still eating, YOU are feeding your illness. Stop eating and YOU will heal." Life was meant to be simple - according to Christ. Medicine is far from simple and often far from beneficial. To your health.

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I've still to finish reading the article, but it's true that 'HIV' has to be blamed 'in addition to' any side effect that's present for PrEP or any antiretroviral. It muddies the water, and in fact we've seen this with Covid. The mRNA jabs and their associated heart complications, the rallying cry from Covid proponents and true believers was that Covid itself was a cause of heart complications. We know that's nonsense, but it's the same dynamic. 'HIV' / Covid are terrible, but the treatments can't possibly be worse, so this comparison of side effects of the drugs and supposed primary effects of the disease are co-mingled and muddied. This is just how the system works. I remember reading about liver damage caused by antiretrovirals, and in the same breath they mentioned that 'HIV can also cause liver damage'. It's comical how a small bit of 9 genes can supposedly cause every malady known to man apparently.

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Spot on. What infuriates me about this is the stupid "associated with" argument. Why can no one be bothered to actually demonstrate mechanisms of action and causality. It is well understood that higher than normal cortisol levels can cause bone loss (and muscle loss primarily). No association needed. Causality and mechanism of action, understood. Now what I would ask, if there is an association between HIV and bone loss: do people who have been diagnosed with an HIV-infection (by means of a faulty test, by the way, and the whole lack of purification at the origin notwithstanding) perhaps have stress levels that raise their cortisol levels? Do they perhaps eat unhealthy diets because so many of them are poor, urban, malnourished with foods full of seed oils etc. etc.)

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Hmmm, if Sean Strub was symptomatic for AIDS since 1979 (presumably testing positive for HIV in 1985), and has been an AIDS activist since then, one would think he would have started taking AZT as soon as it was available, and if so, how on earth did he survive that? How to interpret the "miraculous cure" he got from protease inhibitors?

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As explored by David France in his 'How to survive a plague', ACTUP was led by 'Drugs into bodies' hysterical extremists, such as the nutter Larry Kramer, and Strub, who ignored, or were too ignorant to read about, the medical science reality, that 'AIDS' was the product of immune system overload, burnout and collapse. People like Michael Callen who wanted no part of this, and who in conjunction with Joseph Sonneband, wrote some of the most realistic assessments of anyone of the causes of AIDS in the early 1980s, were castigated by the ACTUP leadership. Leadership that included the odious Peter Staley, meth addict, best friend of Fauci, and 'dying' of HIV since 1985 after one sexual encounter.

I will plug my 'HIV causes AIDS conspiracy' and cover up podcast 'A Dive Into Darkness' as I don't think there is another podcast like it out there, one that is currently exposing the 'HIV causes AIDS' lie. I would love people like Rebecca. or anyone else who shares my view that HIV has nothing to do with AIDS, to take part in the podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/a-dive-into-darkness/id1779499484

This is the latest episode https://cascades.substack.com/p/a-dive-into-darkness-06b 'The Charlatan',


which looks at the lying machine aka Robert Gallo.

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I like the title of the piece, because the storyline sounds like an (unfinished) movie script with any number of alternate plotlines. Mostly fiction, but based on a true story. Or, more like a mix of film noir and melodrama with some crime drama thrown in.

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Summary please

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