Liver toxicity aside, drug patents last 20 years, if I remember correctly, so wouldn’t PIs like ritonavir (1996) lose their profit margin unless they’re reformulated a la Paxlovid? If so, then the same might apply to even older srugs

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Another part of the answer might be that Paxlovid is 100 mg b.i.d. RITINOVIR for six days and the dosage of RITINOVIR prescribed for HIV is 600 mg b.i.d., so the lower - probably placebo - level dose probably helps curtail the bleeding and other risks.

According to -


"Use as a PK enhancer for other protease inhibitors is not specifically approved by the US FDA in the manufacturer product information for ritonavir."

So maybe turns out to be a neat trick getting a RITONOVIR placebo-dose combo initially approved under the door so speak as an EUA to treat a self-limited condition caused by one of the imaginary viruses.

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That’s interesting about the different dosage. Thank you for pointing that out.

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Thank you for this information. I recall in the late '90's people praising protease inhibitors as miracle drugs that saved many lives--the power of propaganda. Please lay out to us in a future post the most likely actual reasons for the decline in all those deaths of young gay men from various AID-like conditions (e.g. wasting, KS, PCP, etc.). I knew several back then who succumbed, but since then I rarely if ever hear of a young gay man dying of "AIDS". Was it just that AZT was replaced with somewhat less toxic drugs??

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... apply to even older drugs like NRTIs?

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The situation is so corrupt that drug companies have requested, and have been granted longer and longer periods of YEARS of patent protection, which equals market exclusivity, which means that their profit$ are a$$ured.

Once the patent protection runs out, the drug companies have

(1) ZERO interest in promoting the drug any longer, and

(2) ZERO interest in doing ANY further research on the drug *** EVEN IF IT SHOWS GREAT PROMISE FOR TREATING A DISEASE*** because this is their ROTTEN business model.

And the mis-named, so-called "public health" agencies do nothing to provide easier access to older, off-patent generic drugs, though they could use their offices to improve "public health," but they won't because "public health" isn't really about public health.

Once a patent has expired, it's up to brave doctor/advocates like the late, great Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in NY and Didier Raoult in Marseilles, France to discover a new use for an older, inexpensive, time-tested, relatively extremely safe off-patent drug such as hydroxychloroquine for the bioweapon.

And if anyone were paying attention, one would certainly recall how FDA, NIH, big Harma, the "public health" folks, and the evil "trusted news sources" in the media UTTERLY FREAKED OUT and suffered COMPLETE MELTDOWNS when Zelenko and Raoult advocated in favor of hydroxychloroquine -- and ivermectin too -- as cheaper generics did work but threatened the whores' profits.

"HIV/AIDS" and the 2 bioweapons ("Covid" and the experimental mRNA injections) revealed so much about the whores.

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That's interesting. I hadn't realized this. I wonder if it's a tacit acknowledgement of the toxicities of early drugs that so many new ones have been developed since. One of the things that struck me was a paper by the Perth Group which showed that AZT actually had no anti-retroviral effects in vivo. It was all toxicity and no benefit. Apparently it had to go through tri-phosphorylation process which in the body happened at least an order of magnitude to low for it to actually act as a DNA chain terminator. It just caused oxidative damage like a flame thrower.

I think some of these drugs like the protease inhibitors had broad spectrum anti-biotic type effects. They were of course short term, but the balance shifted towards their toxicity over time. I remember being in San Francisco in the mid-2000s and being struck by the number of guys with gaunt faces, 'buffalo humps' and thin vein laced arms and legs. They were disfigured and maimed by these drugs but took them daily because they were convinced without them they would immediately die.


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Why so many different combination if we are dealing with one virus? Then again we are told there's a plenty of variant even in one person.

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The title of this post could be a great title for an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. The content of the post is definitely not apt for that show, but it could easily become a script for Rick and Morty. You may end up as a succesful tv show writer, Rebecca.

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I don’t know whether to take this as a compliment or as shade. 🤣 Regardless, writing for TV would be highly entertaining, but I don’t see it in my future. 😉 (As the Nancy Drew of “HIV,” I found the title of this post to be hilarious, but then I’m easily entertained.)

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These horror stories... it reaches a point when the jokes seem to write themselves. Let's face it: public health is a comedy that desires to be a tragedy: a transgedy.

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Still hard to understand all the technical pharma terms. Weeds. And have looked into info on hiv drugs awhile. Thanks for attempting to and helping us chop through the weeds to reveal a plainer view.

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We have to sort through the weeds to get to the truth, unfortunately. It’s a slog, but it’s necessary.

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