hello Rebecca

... repeated messaging - no matter how bizarre - can't be overstated as a key element to brainwash anyone. A piece by Dr. Naomi Wolf posted today speaks of a new book putting the pieces together of brain capture, aided by the fear-porn of vid-land.

Link: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/has-neuroscience-found-the-key-to?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

Thanks for your writing!

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I follow Naomi Wolf but I haven’t read that piece yet. I’ll check it out.

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"Despite recommendations for universal screening, less than 1% of people attending emergency departments in the United States are tested for HIV, with no improvement in recent years, according to a report published in the journal AIDS.

In the US, about 13% of people living with HIV don’t know they have it. "

This is truly fascinating. Wouldn't we be seeing people dying of AIDS if 99% of people aren't tested and thus don't know they're about to die? I've been listening to interviews of men who lost partners and friends back in the 1980s. I found a great youtube channel (youtube.com/@lgbtqarchives/videos) that just does historical interviews of LGBT people who lost partners, etc. Even though it's kind of emotionally hard for me to watch (because it is a tragedy that people died early and horribly), you get the sense that people were just dying kind of suddenly or from a short illness, it was something being noticed and seen as a phenomena.

Why isn't this happening now if people aren't being given the supposed life saving medication as a result of not being tested?

I've been re-reading Duesberg's Inventing the AIDS Virus, and I'm struck by the data in that book. The connection to toxicology is quite clear, but when listening these interviews from the youtube channel, and the thing I notice is that we don't hear much of the backstory (at least in the few I've listened to so far). We just hear that a person suddenly showed up with spots on their skin, or developed wasting, etc. I couldn't help but ask in my mind what was going on in their life, but it's basically verboten to ask these questions now. You can't ask, what was your drug use like, as an example. The narrative will forever prevent us from knowing what probably truly happening back then, and that doesn't really seem to be happening now.

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I’m really starting to think that “proto-AIDS” is the key to this whole thing. Unravel that and it’s over. Yet no one seems interested, it’s all about selling drugs.

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Yeah, I agree. Duesberg says it was a surveillance artifact of sorts. He points to injection drug users as an example, where given illnesses in this group were blamed on HIV and called AIDS, when just as many negative users had the same illnesses. It's also interesting that the Perth Group point out that Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia as a label was a diagnostic artifact. Meaning a kind of presumptive diagnosis and was actually hard to distinguish from other kinds of pneumonias, and so it was selectively presumed to be this new thing showing up and thus added to the 'this is a new phenomena happening' narrative.

Something else interesting. I know that John Lauritsen points to pycho-social stressors as being a part of the original cases. Here in Utah there's a very strong religious conservatism and a guy named John Dehlin has become a leading voice of those disaffected by mormonism. He runs a very popular podcast called Mormon Stories Podcast. He was a software developer who ended up changing life course and getting Ph.D. in clinical psychology after he stumbled into suicides of young gay men in mormonism. His Ph.D. dissertation from Utah State University was about the effects of religious counseling and so-called reparative therapy on gay men within mormonism (Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, Identity Conflict, and Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, Identity Conflict, and Psychosocial Health Amongst Same-Sex Attracted Mormons Psychosocial Health Amongst Same-Sex Attracted Mormons, https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2014-09735-001). It was in part based on the largest study ever done on this and one of the things that emerged from this study was that those who grew up mormon (which is very anti-gay) and had been through so-called 'change efforts' through ecclesiastical counselor or reparative therapy programs had significantly lower physical health scores than matched peers. On average the quality of life health scores were equal to those of people who had lupus.

I bring this up because the major urban areas where gay men flooded into, the very areas that proto-AIDS appeared, was the gathering of men from all regions who had lived under a kind of social stress that had to have had an effect on them. Couple that with the rampant use of drugs (no doubt some of it the result of the social trauma they had lived with I believe) that was prevalent and widely used as a kind of social peer pressure system.

I've seen first hand the drug use. There's been talk about an experimental hepatitis B vaccine given, I've only read about it a bit, but I have to wonder if there's that or some other factor that we're not aware of now, but clearly a 9-gene retrovirus isn't the answer.

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I honestly think they’re just making stuff up at this point. My favorite is when they report “rare PrEP failure,” as though PrEP failure wasn’t ALL OVER the CLINICAL TRIALS. What the hell medication performs meh in trials and perfectly in real life? It makes no sense.

Re what was happening in the eighties, Michelle Cochrane’s book When AIDS Began, which covers case studies of the first AIDS cases in San Francisco, is VERY illuminating. Unfortunately it’s out of print. 😤 Someone needs to republish it!

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Yes Rebecca, again you highlight how the authors of the fiction are losing ability with their endeavour to write their stories to mirror a reality/susceptibility/ignorance (ie. our non-discernment of lies) they hope pervades us. The more they push the envelope, the more convoluted their ideas, is it not easier to see they are not working with any facts. It is looking all the more 'make-believe', and ridiculous.

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Hi Rebecca:

That very thing happened to me (in ER) AGAINST MY DIRECT INSTRUCTIONS! I specifically told the doctor in the ER I did not want that test (repeated it multiple times) but was ignored. My consent was not honored so bring on the lawyers. It troubles me that they "went there" purposely because I'm a gay man. Profiling, anyone? Had the person sitting beside me been named Willa instead of William I suspect they would have honored my wishes. I was fully coherent, not in a life threatening situation and clearly expressed myself.

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Yeah confusing

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