Jun 18Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Is anyone ever going to ask this murderous runt about the "A" in NIAID - ya know, allergies, which have positively exploded in this country since has ascent to the head of that agency.

As a kid in the 70's and 80's I never, ever, ever, ever heard of a child having food allergies to the point where their life was endangered. Now it's commonplace. What has this little c***sucker done about that? Has he even looked into it? Or is he getting epi-pen royalties?

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I know, I’ve wondered about this myself.

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Jun 18Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

As for RM and the many others like her I don't watch. This is exactly 💯 why I am on Substack & reading worthwhile articles & podcasts such as this. Lesson here on the CIA Controlled boob tube brainwashing many for decades back not worth my time. TY again 😃 I look forward to more comments & superior articles as this one.

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She has evolved into an educated nincompoop. Clueless as to the murderousness of the Fauci rule.

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Devolved is the word but it wasn't too far of a devolution for Maddow who has always been in the swamp of media suckerfish.

I'd say she is quite clued in as she too is part of the media criminal class.

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Jun 18Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

I lived through the FAUCI AZT Hell. People do not realize 40 plus years, no Vax for HIV and over $90 billion spent & Counting. COVID was worse dividing people over jabbed unjabbed. That was the goal. FAUCI as w modifiedRNA GENE 🧬 EN-CODED THERAPIES ARE NOT VACCINES did exactly 💯 the same thing as w AZT. A PDF Book exists called Poison by Prescription The AZT Story. People should read that 1st then discuss any of this PLANDEMIC SCAMDEMIC crap. I detest both Biden & Trump & neither are fit to hold office. FAUCI should have been fired long ago. Trump's ignorance on this shows the depth of his incompetent leadership. REMDESIVIR has a 53% death rate & the articles are all on the web no longer hidden by Google & others. Then we have sv40 Cancer causing POLIO VACCINE given from 1955-63. Cancer got into our Gene 🧬 pool by this action. 98 MILLION Americans by the vile Government knowingly injected with Cancer. Americans are very very lazy & refuse to read & research. To be continued. TY.

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Lazy is right. Or just don’t care. Hopefully people are becoming more vigilant and attuned to truth, though.

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Jun 18Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Off the chart ick

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Jun 19Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

I'm going to post this here. I just jumped onto FB and an ad for 'HIV Hard Belly' jumped right up and linked to this website. www.hivhardbelly.com

What's astonishing to me is that you don't see anything about ARVs until way down on the page. Lipdodystrophy is an ARV thing, not 'HIV'. This is the kind of dishonesty that pervades HIV/AIDS.

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Okay, so I just looked at this and it is definitely worth a post. Thanks for the tip. This is total propaganda, isn’t it?

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Jun 19Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Government remains the primary cause of medical murder. Big Pharma can influence government, but it is government agents who authorize and implement murderous medical "policies." Fauci and Trump are both responsible for those policies. Maddow's propaganda mission is to place blame on a man to divert our attention away from the evil entity that is government which led both the "AIDS" and "COVID" medical genocides.

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Jun 19Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

She and Fauci are TOOLS.

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Jun 18Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

I saw this interview popping up on Twitter and couldn't bring myself to watch it, so thank you for falling on that sword for us. For years when I was heavily invested in the Left, when I believed they were standing up to nincompoopery of conservatives, I thought Maddow was this bright intelligence. Palm to forehead. After I've ended up thinking much more independently I see her as just as much riddled with ideological blindspots as anyone else pushing an agenda. Covid really did help bring down the shackles from my eyes in this regard, she was nothing than a mouthpiece for every silly piece of covid promotion nonsense.

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I feel like Covid either removed the scales from people’s eyes or made them double down even harder on the public health nonsense. Anyone else notice this?

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In other words, stoked even wider division. Which may have been the point.

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Yes, I agree. Some people seem to have become even more ardent.

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Jun 18Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

“falling on that sword for us” lol 👍🏻

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“falling on that sword for us” lol 👍🏻

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Thank you! Rachel has a huge blind spot when it comes to Fauci. She loses her credibility as an investigator on this one matter. I always know it's going to be a sickening ride when she has Fauci on her show. It was so awful last night---I made it through her idolatrous love poem, but by the time Fauci was to appear, I had to switch the channel. I pray she stays away from all science controversies because on these matters she is a failed journalist. Rachel is the worst, but I saw Fauci sitting in the Green Room on Morning Joe today, too. Knowing what was coming, I leapt for the TV remote. There may be some topics that are simply too layered, and injustices that have their roots in decades past even if their ramifications are fully contemporary, for rich TV journalists to trouble themselves with.

Watching Fauci pitch his memoir, in any venue--just--NO.

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It’s times like these I’m grateful not to own a TV.

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Just - no - is right

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Jun 18Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Thanks for sharing the link to the Rachel Maddow Show. It’s interesting to see how Anthony Fauci is viewed on the MSM.

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Jun 18Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Well done. Thanks you.

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