Good grief. Now it's onto Fungus among us (as my dad used to say.)

Even during their best days, the results reported in scientific publications were mostly false due to such problems as flawed experimental design, cherry picked results, improperly identified cell lines, among many others. But, at least, in most cases, experiments of a sort had actually been run. These days, these "prestigious journals" are simply printing propaganda masquerading as science and accompanied by lists of so-called data and pretty images.

Authors string together one fairy tale after another to create cartoonish section headings such as (taken from their actual references):

1) "Completely new" fungal species "hypothesised" "to have emerged" "due to climate change"

2) Fungal species that "have emerged" "to cause significant outbreaks" that "appear" "related to climate change"

3) "New virulent fungal lineages" "with adaptations" "suggested" "to have evolved" "in response to climate change"

I'm sure these non-scientific fictions will make perfect media headlines to frighten great percentages of people who seem unable to discern the endless deceptions. But perhaps I am being too hard- after all, even those supposedly awake still struggle to discern the deceptions of perceived (and fervently defended) heroes such as Dr. McCullough or Dr. Kirsch who continue to spew non-scientfic proclamations regarding treatments for a virus never scientfically proven to exist.

The good news is that life in reality is much simpler and easier than a life of constant natural hazards as presented by the scientific and medical establishment. How many diseases are there in reality- 40,000 or 4? Or none? Do we get sick or merely go through periods of unpleasant detoxification and healing? I think most of us (including myself) have absorbed the century-long Hollywood creation that scientists and MDs actually know what they're talking about. Why were people in the pre-medicalized world healthy, while those in the post-medicalized world face what seems like a constant state of some disease or condition?

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Trust me, disease does exist and until an individual is exposed to one, most will not understand. Alot of these diseases (viral, fungal, etc.) are easily transmissible. Do not let your guard down.

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snore. when are they gonna clean up their money making messes.

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