There's a miracle treatment for these sorts of diseases.

It's called trileavenassalone.

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It’s all fake

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The early 80s the success of ACT UP pressuring the Regan administration to release AZT, a lethal by-product of failed research to prove cancer was contagious, corresponds with the prediction by "experts" that aids would spread exponentially through the heterosexual community. It didn't. The fact that it remains within clearly defined risk groups is ignored. That not insignificant detail derails the contagion hypothesis upon which the HIV/AIDS trillion dollar industry is based; an apple cart even the most eminent researcher cannot afford to upset.

The risk is far greater than financial. The credibility and place amongst their peers they spent their entire life to achieve will be ruined for the rest of their time in this realm.

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May I refer you to the following books on Amazon:

"AMERICA'S BIGGEST COVER-UP: UPDATED 2ND EDITION 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic and Its Link to AIDS" by Neenyah Ostrom

"The Why: The Historic ME/CFS Call To Arms" by Hillary Johnson

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Good grief, how many of these psy-op fake pandemics must the world be subjected to before a populace comes to its senses? And the psychotic targeting of homosexual and minority communities- is this an indication of what the psy-op puppeteers actual think of these people?

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Yet another virus that can discriminate between men and women, gay and straight and nationalities. I swear these viruses are getting smarter while the medical community gets dumber.

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A bat, a pangolin and a raccoon dog walk into a bio-lab . . . - Can you say - "gain of function?" : /

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What I need is a way to contact the author of the Real AIDS Epidemic. I pay a subscription charge every month yet when I read an article I'm constantly asked to upgrade to a paid subscription. I'm not finding any links for my personal account or links to the author.

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Mr. Kemble, please send me an email directly at walkerpercyfan at gmail. I’ll try and get this sorted for you as soon as possible.

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