Thanks for keeping us conscious of this insidious PrEP thrust. Poignant final sentence, as it is forbear of what to evolve? As are we not actually moving more towards a post-post-truth society?
For the majority (say those who are fans of HIV and Covid narratives and overall mainstream narratives, and embrace all aspects of AI and tech, and are of trusting disposition) are they not living unconsciously within the framework of the 'lie-society'? If not realising this, (that a dynamic of truth, authenticity, heart-felt care and love is patently not writ large in society) and with absence of impulse to foster a sense of one's sovereignty as a player in society on one's own terms, then one is vulnerable to the next degree of lie, which PrEP (and covid jabs) represent.
Is there not a splitting of humanity going on?... those unquestioning and easy to manipulate will be progressivellyy ushered further down the 'taken over and controlled' path...'will' and 'soul' progressively lost or entombed? It has to feel 'creepy' as these developments are not 'well-intentioned'...
Thank you, Groundhog Day is pharma industry’s doing, not yours. I appreciate your keeping us informed of their latest misdeeds
Treating symptoms or managing symptoms keeps people sick, and makes Pharamaphrenics Rich...
Thanks for keeping us conscious of this insidious PrEP thrust. Poignant final sentence, as it is forbear of what to evolve? As are we not actually moving more towards a post-post-truth society?
For the majority (say those who are fans of HIV and Covid narratives and overall mainstream narratives, and embrace all aspects of AI and tech, and are of trusting disposition) are they not living unconsciously within the framework of the 'lie-society'? If not realising this, (that a dynamic of truth, authenticity, heart-felt care and love is patently not writ large in society) and with absence of impulse to foster a sense of one's sovereignty as a player in society on one's own terms, then one is vulnerable to the next degree of lie, which PrEP (and covid jabs) represent.
Is there not a splitting of humanity going on?... those unquestioning and easy to manipulate will be progressivellyy ushered further down the 'taken over and controlled' path...'will' and 'soul' progressively lost or entombed? It has to feel 'creepy' as these developments are not 'well-intentioned'...