I think covid was a kind of blessing in disguise in a way. A lot of people have woken up to 'narrative fraud'. The uptake for the latest covid vaccine/boosters has been really low and this is a form of mass protest, a way of not participating. The medical system is the big problem, because so many people make money off these narratives and frankly a great many well-intentioned medical professionals perpetuate the whole thing.
The second big problem is the gay community has a kind of Stockholm Syndrome with the medical system and believes it's there for their best interest (hello PrEP). We also collectively believe we were hapless victims to a little virus and the medical system and government are there to save us. This is the big head-scratcher for me. Some years ago I talked with a guy online who wanted to do poppers with me and I told him outright that they were super toxic. He said, 'but I thought the government cleared them as being ok.' I was really stunned by this because sniffing them was, at least to me, so self-evidently toxic.
How do we wake people up? This is why I love the Bailey's videos, because they're shaking things up. It's funny because I questioned HIV for at least 20 years now, but it never occurred to me to look at all of virology, much less germ theory entirely. Viruses are so embedded in our collective consciousness as a great explainer of sickness that removing either HIV or the entire edifice would leave people bewildered.
One way out of this is for people to stop participating in the system. Gay men need to stop getting tested. Hell, everyone should stop getting tested. But the flip side of that is realizing that some behaviors are dangerous, and right now the lot of gay men do poppers because they've been given tacit permission by the medical system.
Inhalation nitrites and all kinds of weird solvents present in street drugs.
Just like the fake covid epidemic was selectively seeded to appear among a few hospitals within a few int'l cities to create the illusion of a vast infectious outbreak, it's likely that the AIDS cases of the 1980's were seeded by evil mischief, chemical or biological, localized to the bathhouse scene, so as to accelerate the course of an indolent CD4 depletion syndrome that has always plagued certain populations.
'Catching HIV' from a needle is probably a psyop red-herring.
The reality is that junkies share SYRINGES with blood inside, so they're always getting mini 'organ donations' from unmatched strangers all day long. This might be what sets them up for hepatitis and CD4 depletions as a chronic rejection syndrome due to multiple unmatched organ donations, although it makes sense to continue to search for microbial assailants too, since 'viruses' seem to be a biomarker but not an etiology.
Poppers are apparently very popular once again but among all youth, not only gay male, and also in conjunction with sex. Several people in their early twenties told me that. And it seems like some kind of retro thing. And they are all very much glued to the PreP narrative, trying to figure out how it can protect them…..
So will we start seeing more and more twenty somethings coming down with diseases of immune dysfunction (regardless of "HIV status") from all those poppers? If so, will it be kept hidden??
I think the problem (immune dysfunction) is so overdetermined that no one will ever be able prove any of this, since the assaults on the immune system are multiple, intensified, synergistic, and insane. Is it glyphosate? The covid transfections? Nanotech? Poppers? The batty vaccine schedule? Depleted soils? Seed oils? Antibiotic use in meat animals? Micro plastics? 5G? LED lights everywhere? Chemtrails? Smoke? SSRIs? Ritalin? and on and on. I say all of it.......what's incontrovertible is that we are ALREADY seeing these immune dysfunctions.
Maybe I'm taking your question too literally, but... it doesn't have to end, ever. Look at Polio. Polio paralysis existed in the distant past due to various chemical exposures (like lead-aresenate pesticides), but the mass Polio epidemics started with the mass agricultural usage of DDT in the late 1800s. As the DDT usage increased exponentially, so did the numbers of people who got various paralysis conditions (up to the infamous 'iron lung' cases). These were all called Polio Myelitis. Myelitis= disorder of the insulating sheathes around nerves (like the insulation on electrical wires).
A few things came together at this time to curse us with the current situation. First, instead of exposing the real cause of Polio, which is nerve poisons, the medical-government system blamed a Poliomyelitis 'virus.' While virology was a fledgling pseudoscience before this time, it really got its 'legitimacy' with Polio. Of course, despite torturing to death hundreds of thousands of monkeys with horrific brain experiments, they were never able to show that Polio was an infectious condition at all (the only way they could 'show' Polio to be 'infectious' was to drill a hole in a monkey's skull and insert the mushed up brain matter from other monkeys into the brain of that monkey. OF COURSE it developed neurological problems THEN). However, the myth of the 'virus' was cemented with this fraudulent evil nonsense.
This set the stage for the infamous poisonous 'life-saving' Salk vaccine (which was Eisenhower's Warp Speed). The vaccine contained the nerve poison Formaldehyde, and who knows what else, in addition to ground up monkey brains, and caused Polio cases in kids. So the vaccine was quickly stopped (there was a semi-functional press back then, and the harm was exposed unlike in our dystopian Covidian times). But the establishment explanation was interesting: the vaccines caused Polio NOT because they had nerve poison in them, but because they didn't use ENOUGH formaldehyde to 'kill' the 'virus' in the vaccine. !!! Which is crazy, but so is everything about virology and vaccinology.
To cut to the 'end' of this, people to this day are still getting 'polio virus' vaccines... hysteria is still being generated about the 'polio virus'.... and people are still getting Polio Myelitis paralysis. But it's not called Polio Myelitis anymore (remember, that was cured by the miraculous Polio 'virus' vaccine), it's now called such things as Guillain-Barre, Transverse Myelitis, Acute Flaccid Paralysis, MS, and a bunch of others. Which are all common vaccine side effects... Remember that the next time you hear about someone with limb paralysis, or gut / digestive system paralysis, or any other sort of paralysis or myelitis after getting a vaccine. It's REALLY Polio. Or Polio is really myelitis. However you want to look at it.
DDT was phased out in the 1950s because it was becoming less 'effective' against insects, and maybe the pesticide industry realized they had a huge problem on their hands with the Polio carnage and switched to other types of pesticides. But because of the 'virus' concept that was birthed for Polio, the fake virus and poison vaccine industry took off at that time. Vaccines commonly contain an 'adjuvant' that really causes a massive inflammatory response in the body. That adjuvant is usually aluminum, which is a potent nerve poison, and causes Myelitis. So this has become the dominant reason that people get Polio / Myelitis nowadays after getting vaccines.
So hopefully you see why I said this never has to end. They can keep these scams going indefinitely, by twisting definitions, hiding actual causes, etc etc etc. The obscene fact is that they are pushing poisons that cause disease, and then claiming the disease was caused by a 'virus' or whatever, and saying you need poison to kill the virus, which causes more disease, etc.
As long as people keep being fooled and not seeing the true causes of diseases (like 'poppers' with AIDS, or nerve poisons with Polio, etc) then it will not end. Of course, a bigger issue will be Autism neurological damage which is also caused by Aluminum, and has exponentially increased along with the exponential increase in the childhood vaccine poisoning schedule. Eventually the entire 'society' will collapse when everyone is either brain damaged or caring for someone who is brain damaged. Current Autism rates are something like 1-in-20 in boys, 1-in-35 in girls.
I don’t see the HIV/AIDS myth ending until we get control of the federal money machine. Or, some financial disaster brings all the fraud down. The money goes out on a regular basis. How many people benefit financially from the AIDS industry either directly or indirectly? There aren’t many original deniers left from the 1980’s and the myth is standard in medical schools. True believers are legion. The propaganda and intimidation have been effective. That being said, we need to fight the good fight, and take it all down one myth at a time.
I don't believe there will be an end. The medical establishment has gotten way too much mileage out of HIV/AIDS, covid, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, vaccines of all kinds etc. etc. etc. for them to let it stop. Far too many make their livelihood (and very good ones at that) from the "system" and will keep it going. There will always be a certain percentage who can see through the fog and thanks to you Rebecca and others like you who do the hard research and keep those of us like me informed hopefully that percentage will grow. If HIV/AIDS ever does see its demise, it will be replaced with some other malady.
The narrative has been cemented in the minds of billions of people with no legitimate scientific evidence to back it up. COVID may have moved the needle a smidge, but it's going to take a huge information warfare campaign to go up against the AIDS money machine.
there will be health groups formed by those not taking part in the fraudulent corporate pharma/medico industry and an entire new society will also form in opposition to the sick, corrupted, slave society running mad at present.
No jabs or any pharma toxins as those entities will be deleted and the parasites will face trial and punishment
It's been already happening and a lot of excellent work to empower ppl with skills and knowledge but a
at the same time, few of these groups are also taken over by psychopathic practitioners. And depending on the culture you are in, it's hard/impossible to throw these imposters out.
They are still pushing for faster lockdowns, faster vaccines, faker variants and never-ending bullshit. It won't end until they're all hanging by a rope.
The HIV AIDS story has but its own chapter , and a continuing weaving thread, in the extensive work of fiction that is the allopathic industrial complex.
I came across 'Lifeboat' today. Current allopaths who have followed orders, not conscience, are required to absolve their sins (you get my drift).....so as for existing harmful "public health and medicine" structures to collapse. In owning up to their mistakes, those who aren't malevolent of character have opportunity for a redemption/absolution by being a pivot in societal process of re-evaluation/de-programming of what health and dis-ease is, (and of us all needing be part of this by mindset alteration...and taking responsibilty for our health).
Humility has be present in oodles.
I cant quite imagine outcomes, but this is important aspect of destruction of the non-serving ways of people, out of the ashes of which will arise ways and means for new life-affirming structures.
I am currently writing a free e-book, 'Improbable Cause - The Hunt For The Killer In The Village', my own verdict on the calamitous investigation into the cause of AIDS carried out between June 1981 and April 1984. I hope to publish it on Amazon KDP before April 23, the 40th anniversary of the Heckler speech declaring 'the probable cause of AIDS has been found.'
First transmitted in 1983, BBC's 'Killer In The Village' traced the spread of Aids across America. Aids - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - had only been named in 1982, and was still largely unknown. This programme followed the search for a cause and cure, and asked whether the seeds of a spreading epidemic had already reached London.
'Improbable Cause' will be a powerful indictment of the CDC's 'Kaposi's Sarcoma and Opportuntistic Infections Task Force' launched in June 1981 and headed by James Curran, The Iceberg Guy.
'Improbable Cause' will chart the blunders / missteps during the investigation that allowed the true cause of AIDS, CMV, to get away, even though it was identified as the prime suspect by the Task Force in the summer of '81.
Blunders which include:
- the wrong causal paradigm being adopted right from the very earliest cases - that there was a virus out there killing T-cells
- an overconfidence by specialists in theories spun from meagre evidence, in particular the disastrous credence given to Don Francis and his belief that AIDS was 'Feline Leukaemia Virus' in humans. A belief which led to the adoption of the retroviral cause of AIDS and the hegemony of Gallo and Montagnier.
- the failure to follow the evidence linking CMV to every symptom and condition suffered by AIDS patients. Especially the disregarding by the CDC of the evidence produced by its own Task Force's case-control study which by December 1981 clearly showed that excessive sexual activitiy was the key driver of AIDS in sexually highly active gay males and that 'cases' had three times as many CMV isolations taken from them as 'controls.' .
-Curran's refusal to accept the data which said that Poppers was the main cause of Kaposi's sarcoma in gay males
- Gallo's failure to find a virus and Montagnier's only live virus being a double contaminant.
We need at least a few decent physicians willing to think logically and ask questions.
Our adopted daughter was already being treated with the toxic meds when we became her parents, and I would give anything/travel anywhere for a doctor willing to look at alternative theories and help us. I am sure there are other people out there looking for the same types of doctors.
Though I am as pessimistic as most of the commenters here, sometimes it just takes a few people to get things rolling in a positive direction. But doctors MUST be willing to put their necks out, or nothing changes.
We need to stop participating in getting tested.
I think covid was a kind of blessing in disguise in a way. A lot of people have woken up to 'narrative fraud'. The uptake for the latest covid vaccine/boosters has been really low and this is a form of mass protest, a way of not participating. The medical system is the big problem, because so many people make money off these narratives and frankly a great many well-intentioned medical professionals perpetuate the whole thing.
The second big problem is the gay community has a kind of Stockholm Syndrome with the medical system and believes it's there for their best interest (hello PrEP). We also collectively believe we were hapless victims to a little virus and the medical system and government are there to save us. This is the big head-scratcher for me. Some years ago I talked with a guy online who wanted to do poppers with me and I told him outright that they were super toxic. He said, 'but I thought the government cleared them as being ok.' I was really stunned by this because sniffing them was, at least to me, so self-evidently toxic.
How do we wake people up? This is why I love the Bailey's videos, because they're shaking things up. It's funny because I questioned HIV for at least 20 years now, but it never occurred to me to look at all of virology, much less germ theory entirely. Viruses are so embedded in our collective consciousness as a great explainer of sickness that removing either HIV or the entire edifice would leave people bewildered.
One way out of this is for people to stop participating in the system. Gay men need to stop getting tested. Hell, everyone should stop getting tested. But the flip side of that is realizing that some behaviors are dangerous, and right now the lot of gay men do poppers because they've been given tacit permission by the medical system.
Inhalation nitrites and all kinds of weird solvents present in street drugs.
Just like the fake covid epidemic was selectively seeded to appear among a few hospitals within a few int'l cities to create the illusion of a vast infectious outbreak, it's likely that the AIDS cases of the 1980's were seeded by evil mischief, chemical or biological, localized to the bathhouse scene, so as to accelerate the course of an indolent CD4 depletion syndrome that has always plagued certain populations.
When society throws 'certain populations' into the gutter, you can't then turn around and expect them to be clean.
'Catching HIV' from a needle is probably a psyop red-herring.
The reality is that junkies share SYRINGES with blood inside, so they're always getting mini 'organ donations' from unmatched strangers all day long. This might be what sets them up for hepatitis and CD4 depletions as a chronic rejection syndrome due to multiple unmatched organ donations, although it makes sense to continue to search for microbial assailants too, since 'viruses' seem to be a biomarker but not an etiology.
Poppers are apparently very popular once again but among all youth, not only gay male, and also in conjunction with sex. Several people in their early twenties told me that. And it seems like some kind of retro thing. And they are all very much glued to the PreP narrative, trying to figure out how it can protect them…..
So will we start seeing more and more twenty somethings coming down with diseases of immune dysfunction (regardless of "HIV status") from all those poppers? If so, will it be kept hidden??
I think the problem (immune dysfunction) is so overdetermined that no one will ever be able prove any of this, since the assaults on the immune system are multiple, intensified, synergistic, and insane. Is it glyphosate? The covid transfections? Nanotech? Poppers? The batty vaccine schedule? Depleted soils? Seed oils? Antibiotic use in meat animals? Micro plastics? 5G? LED lights everywhere? Chemtrails? Smoke? SSRIs? Ritalin? and on and on. I say all of it.......what's incontrovertible is that we are ALREADY seeing these immune dysfunctions.
Maybe I'm taking your question too literally, but... it doesn't have to end, ever. Look at Polio. Polio paralysis existed in the distant past due to various chemical exposures (like lead-aresenate pesticides), but the mass Polio epidemics started with the mass agricultural usage of DDT in the late 1800s. As the DDT usage increased exponentially, so did the numbers of people who got various paralysis conditions (up to the infamous 'iron lung' cases). These were all called Polio Myelitis. Myelitis= disorder of the insulating sheathes around nerves (like the insulation on electrical wires).
A few things came together at this time to curse us with the current situation. First, instead of exposing the real cause of Polio, which is nerve poisons, the medical-government system blamed a Poliomyelitis 'virus.' While virology was a fledgling pseudoscience before this time, it really got its 'legitimacy' with Polio. Of course, despite torturing to death hundreds of thousands of monkeys with horrific brain experiments, they were never able to show that Polio was an infectious condition at all (the only way they could 'show' Polio to be 'infectious' was to drill a hole in a monkey's skull and insert the mushed up brain matter from other monkeys into the brain of that monkey. OF COURSE it developed neurological problems THEN). However, the myth of the 'virus' was cemented with this fraudulent evil nonsense.
This set the stage for the infamous poisonous 'life-saving' Salk vaccine (which was Eisenhower's Warp Speed). The vaccine contained the nerve poison Formaldehyde, and who knows what else, in addition to ground up monkey brains, and caused Polio cases in kids. So the vaccine was quickly stopped (there was a semi-functional press back then, and the harm was exposed unlike in our dystopian Covidian times). But the establishment explanation was interesting: the vaccines caused Polio NOT because they had nerve poison in them, but because they didn't use ENOUGH formaldehyde to 'kill' the 'virus' in the vaccine. !!! Which is crazy, but so is everything about virology and vaccinology.
To cut to the 'end' of this, people to this day are still getting 'polio virus' vaccines... hysteria is still being generated about the 'polio virus'.... and people are still getting Polio Myelitis paralysis. But it's not called Polio Myelitis anymore (remember, that was cured by the miraculous Polio 'virus' vaccine), it's now called such things as Guillain-Barre, Transverse Myelitis, Acute Flaccid Paralysis, MS, and a bunch of others. Which are all common vaccine side effects... Remember that the next time you hear about someone with limb paralysis, or gut / digestive system paralysis, or any other sort of paralysis or myelitis after getting a vaccine. It's REALLY Polio. Or Polio is really myelitis. However you want to look at it.
DDT was phased out in the 1950s because it was becoming less 'effective' against insects, and maybe the pesticide industry realized they had a huge problem on their hands with the Polio carnage and switched to other types of pesticides. But because of the 'virus' concept that was birthed for Polio, the fake virus and poison vaccine industry took off at that time. Vaccines commonly contain an 'adjuvant' that really causes a massive inflammatory response in the body. That adjuvant is usually aluminum, which is a potent nerve poison, and causes Myelitis. So this has become the dominant reason that people get Polio / Myelitis nowadays after getting vaccines.
So hopefully you see why I said this never has to end. They can keep these scams going indefinitely, by twisting definitions, hiding actual causes, etc etc etc. The obscene fact is that they are pushing poisons that cause disease, and then claiming the disease was caused by a 'virus' or whatever, and saying you need poison to kill the virus, which causes more disease, etc.
As long as people keep being fooled and not seeing the true causes of diseases (like 'poppers' with AIDS, or nerve poisons with Polio, etc) then it will not end. Of course, a bigger issue will be Autism neurological damage which is also caused by Aluminum, and has exponentially increased along with the exponential increase in the childhood vaccine poisoning schedule. Eventually the entire 'society' will collapse when everyone is either brain damaged or caring for someone who is brain damaged. Current Autism rates are something like 1-in-20 in boys, 1-in-35 in girls.
I don’t see the HIV/AIDS myth ending until we get control of the federal money machine. Or, some financial disaster brings all the fraud down. The money goes out on a regular basis. How many people benefit financially from the AIDS industry either directly or indirectly? There aren’t many original deniers left from the 1980’s and the myth is standard in medical schools. True believers are legion. The propaganda and intimidation have been effective. That being said, we need to fight the good fight, and take it all down one myth at a time.
I don't believe there will be an end. The medical establishment has gotten way too much mileage out of HIV/AIDS, covid, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, vaccines of all kinds etc. etc. etc. for them to let it stop. Far too many make their livelihood (and very good ones at that) from the "system" and will keep it going. There will always be a certain percentage who can see through the fog and thanks to you Rebecca and others like you who do the hard research and keep those of us like me informed hopefully that percentage will grow. If HIV/AIDS ever does see its demise, it will be replaced with some other malady.
The narrative has been cemented in the minds of billions of people with no legitimate scientific evidence to back it up. COVID may have moved the needle a smidge, but it's going to take a huge information warfare campaign to go up against the AIDS money machine.
there will be health groups formed by those not taking part in the fraudulent corporate pharma/medico industry and an entire new society will also form in opposition to the sick, corrupted, slave society running mad at present.
No jabs or any pharma toxins as those entities will be deleted and the parasites will face trial and punishment
It's been already happening and a lot of excellent work to empower ppl with skills and knowledge but a
at the same time, few of these groups are also taken over by psychopathic practitioners. And depending on the culture you are in, it's hard/impossible to throw these imposters out.
They are still pushing for faster lockdowns, faster vaccines, faker variants and never-ending bullshit. It won't end until they're all hanging by a rope.
Good question I wonder too.
People should take better care of themselves.
The HIV AIDS story has but its own chapter , and a continuing weaving thread, in the extensive work of fiction that is the allopathic industrial complex.
I came across 'Lifeboat' today. Current allopaths who have followed orders, not conscience, are required to absolve their sins (you get my drift).....so as for existing harmful "public health and medicine" structures to collapse. In owning up to their mistakes, those who aren't malevolent of character have opportunity for a redemption/absolution by being a pivot in societal process of re-evaluation/de-programming of what health and dis-ease is, (and of us all needing be part of this by mindset alteration...and taking responsibilty for our health).
Humility has be present in oodles.
I cant quite imagine outcomes, but this is important aspect of destruction of the non-serving ways of people, out of the ashes of which will arise ways and means for new life-affirming structures.
LIFEBOAT link.... https://sales.jeremyayres.com/PROJECTLB?r_done=1
I am currently writing a free e-book, 'Improbable Cause - The Hunt For The Killer In The Village', my own verdict on the calamitous investigation into the cause of AIDS carried out between June 1981 and April 1984. I hope to publish it on Amazon KDP before April 23, the 40th anniversary of the Heckler speech declaring 'the probable cause of AIDS has been found.'
First transmitted in 1983, BBC's 'Killer In The Village' traced the spread of Aids across America. Aids - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - had only been named in 1982, and was still largely unknown. This programme followed the search for a cause and cure, and asked whether the seeds of a spreading epidemic had already reached London.
'Improbable Cause' will be a powerful indictment of the CDC's 'Kaposi's Sarcoma and Opportuntistic Infections Task Force' launched in June 1981 and headed by James Curran, The Iceberg Guy.
'Improbable Cause' will chart the blunders / missteps during the investigation that allowed the true cause of AIDS, CMV, to get away, even though it was identified as the prime suspect by the Task Force in the summer of '81.
Blunders which include:
- the wrong causal paradigm being adopted right from the very earliest cases - that there was a virus out there killing T-cells
- an overconfidence by specialists in theories spun from meagre evidence, in particular the disastrous credence given to Don Francis and his belief that AIDS was 'Feline Leukaemia Virus' in humans. A belief which led to the adoption of the retroviral cause of AIDS and the hegemony of Gallo and Montagnier.
- the failure to follow the evidence linking CMV to every symptom and condition suffered by AIDS patients. Especially the disregarding by the CDC of the evidence produced by its own Task Force's case-control study which by December 1981 clearly showed that excessive sexual activitiy was the key driver of AIDS in sexually highly active gay males and that 'cases' had three times as many CMV isolations taken from them as 'controls.' .
-Curran's refusal to accept the data which said that Poppers was the main cause of Kaposi's sarcoma in gay males
- Gallo's failure to find a virus and Montagnier's only live virus being a double contaminant.
We need at least a few decent physicians willing to think logically and ask questions.
Our adopted daughter was already being treated with the toxic meds when we became her parents, and I would give anything/travel anywhere for a doctor willing to look at alternative theories and help us. I am sure there are other people out there looking for the same types of doctors.
Though I am as pessimistic as most of the commenters here, sometimes it just takes a few people to get things rolling in a positive direction. But doctors MUST be willing to put their necks out, or nothing changes.
Problem with HIV/AIDS management and treatment is privately done, so you'll always have 40 millions plus HIV positive people
AIDS is in the protocol for sexually transmitted disease. Look up any test lab, there it is!
Meaning is a standard test in all the labs test?
I dont get you? Please break it down