I'd be curious to hear others' feedback on my comment below:

I have been thinking much about Allan Bloom's 1987 book "Closing of the American Mind" as a non-conspiratorial way of explaining everything that is going on in the West--especially related to the political realm and American cultural identity--since the 1960s. The pores of every institution in the West--today completely devoid of "religion" (Christianity) and any true spirit of Socratic academic inquiry--now ooze with subjective postmodernist narratives (almost always related to gender, gender-orientation, race, narrative categories that only seek to increase their own subjective power and care nothing for truth). The postmodern spirit has destroyed any modernist/rationalist notion that an objective reality can be found, if it even exists outside of each person's subjective perceptions. Scientism--the worship of experts who craft narratives based on nothing but maintaining power--has easily moved in and taken over the quest for genuine objective truth because it fits perfectly into the postmodernist worldview. It is also interesting to note that the entire AIDS/HIV/virus hysteria (and its accompanying scientism) came into its own in the mid-late 1980s, the time when Bloom saw postmodernism taking over other spheres of American academic institutions and American cultural life. I don't think that is a coincidence. Anyone who is "freaked out" now is doing so because some public persona representing their narrow subjectivist narrative power is threatened of being replaced with an alternative public persona representing a counter narrative, and one that is too not likely "true." (though closer to "true" in my opinion, if only for the sake that it is open to asking Socratic questions about some deeply held power category)

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All I can say is, 'Stockholm Syndrome' doesn't do justice to what these 'HIV'-AIDS activist-cultists have... This whole thing is f-ing insane, even worse than Covidians....

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My thoughts exactly. I often wonder whether their absolute belief in the effectiveness of drugs, their total deference to doctors and the repetition of slogans at every turn ("99% effective!", "U=U") is a way of coping with the enormous social and psychological impact of the diagnosis. A sort of raison d'être that makes you love those who torment you. And I'm writing this as a "long-term survivor", as we're called.

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(I would 'like' your comment but substack doesn't let me like comments for some reason).

Yes, they have mindf*cked us all for so long... Long before AIDS, but I think it was the biggest psychological mindf*ck (until 'covid'). I was a kid in the 80s-early 90s and even then I was scared half to death of 'catching' AIDS / 'HIV.' Needless to say I was scared of physical contact, but I was even scared of pools and anything that might possibly give me that horrible death sentence. I completely understand how a lot of people killed themselves after an 'HIV' 'diagnosis'..... (The medical monsters have oceans of blood on their hands).

So I don't mean to make light of it or how people react to this diagnosis, and I'm really sorry for how you got burdened with it (I had to take a few 'HIV' 'tests' in the military and I still believed in it at the time, so I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I had got a 'positive' diagnosis.....) I'm glad you survived the trauma of the 'diagnosis' and the effects of any 'treatments'!

Coincidentally, there are various people trying to expose the frauds of virology in general, and here is recent a 'deep dive' about the history and 'science' behind 'HIV' if you're interested:


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I've never understood why the gay "community" hangs on to this disease paradigm like Linus's blanket. It's really strange and makes me embarrassed to be gay. In RFKJ, we have someone who embraces original thought and looks critically at medical and food issues, who isn't afraid to speak up when crap is being served. Yeah, he's the scary one, not the pharmaceutical companies pushing drugs to fight a "virus" we've never seen. Jeez.

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Tell them not to worry- Trump's new chief of staff is a Pfizer and GAVI lobbyist (as yet, still employed.) Trump was just kidding when hinting he might actually do something about the useless and barbaric practice of vaccination. And, RFKJr. has turned so wimpy on the topic that he'll likely respond with a good Charlie Brown imitation.

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Could it be that play is backed by PhRMA funding? The articles are from TheBody, a brand of HealthCentral who also also owns TheBodyPro. TheBodyPro is, according to their website, "Committed to serving a highly engaged and dedicated group of HIV healthcare professionals." Seems they own the media spin and the PhRMA fix. "Global health" per all things western medicine / United Nations style encompasses all things LGBTQ+ with "trans and non-binary" being today the most coddled among them.

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"And why are “trans and non binary” individuals being singled out?"

I think it's based on this video: x.com/i/status/1855281746310221999

The LGB are being dragged into the mud because of the T, ugh.

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Someone gifted me RFKjr s Bible, the real satanTony fauci bill gates scamdemic, and he statees therein thst he believes hiv does cause AIDS, despite as the review correctly states, thst the evidence presented in the book will lead you to believe otherwise if you read it, which I did and do .the key word is suggest.

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They really can replay all of their horrors every 30 years and people just forget. In the 90s there were protests that the media mostly hid against Fauci and the deadly drugs he was giving to people that were killing them and then blaming it on AIDS. Big ones with lots of protesters. Now all of a sudden they trust the drugs again, and the same people, and trust someone thats telling them they are sick and dying when they have no symptoms of anything. Its so disturbing its almost understandable that people dont believe it.

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You would enjoy the conversation between James Corbett and Whitney Webb. https://rumble.com/v5lxae0-special-guest-james-corbett.html

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RFK Jr. Role At HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH & USDA + ChildrensHealthDefense.Org on Nuremberg 2.0 vs Covid Measures, Vaccines vs. Supreme Court & Facebook Censorship (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-on-role-over-hhs-cdc-fda-nih

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Hi Rebecca.

My debut novel, a thriller called 'A Dive Into Darkness', might be more to your taste.

It does to the HIV/AIDS orthodoxy what Dan Brown did to the Christian version of Jesus.

Specifically it exposes the true story of what Gallo and Montagnier 'discovered'.

This is some detail about the book's premise and content:

'‘A Dive Into Darkness’, is the debut novel from Leeds author, Paul Franks.

This conspiracy thriller keeps readers on the edge of their seats as a bank cybersecurity analyst turned rogue hacker uncovers a global conspiracy…..a conspiracy that has deceived the planet for 40 years.

‘A Dive Into Darkness’, set in Paris during the run-up to the 2027 Presidential campaign, begins on Anne-Sophie Montreau’s 40th birthday, which also happens to be the 40th anniversary of her father’s death.

After her godfather reveals long-buried family secrets, bank cybersecurity analyst Anne-Sophie is compelled by life-or-death necessity to journey into the dark world once inhabited by her father.

As she struggles to identify the perpetrators responsible for her father’s demise, she transforms herself into a stop-at-nothing rogue hacker and takes the law into her own hands.

‘A Dive Into Darkness’ uncovers and explores a corrupted world, where glory and self-aggrandizement have become more important than honesty and integrity.

So, strap yourself in whilst this white-knuckle, ‘no filler, all thriller’, debut novel takes you on a gripping, page-turning ride of revelation and revenge, as Anne-Sophie confronts her faceless enemies.'



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I've also launched a podcast 'A Dive Into Darkness' which will tell you everything you need to know about the book and the four-year, book-writing process, from inspiration to publication, and beyond. There will be many episodes (beginning with Episode 2) dedicated to my research into the official HIV/AIDS narrative.


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Nov 11Edited

I hope RFK Jr. exposes the 40+ year cover-up of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which, I believe in many cases, is non-hiv AIDs. I also believe they don't want to expose the real cause of ME/CFS as this would also expose that HIV isn't necessary for AIDs, something they don't want the public to know. All one needs to do is read Neenyah Ostrom and Hillary Johnson's books on ME/CFS to understand the seriousness of this disease and the cover-up that took place and is still taking place today.

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