Dr. Wilson also missed the part in Bobby's book where he says, "From the outset, I want to make clear that I take no position on the relationship between HIV and AIDS." (Chap. 5, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence.) Dr. Wilson accuses Bobby of cherry picking but I suspect Dr. Wilson is projecting.

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That’s the part that probably annoyed Dr Wilson.

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Definitely. When a clear binary division is offered (like everywhere these days). taking no position is a crime....Come on, everybody has to be left or right, black or white, Biden or Trump, Israel or Palestine, .....

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My point was more on the fact that not accepting without question that HIV causes AIDS throws him into the denial camp for many. And from that POV for the likes of Wilson it’s a one way road to not believing in viruses full stop. TBF in private with himself I think that RFK doesn’t believe in viruses anymore.

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I've been thinking for a while that the virus theater is so vast that I wouldn't be surprised if all the major players always knew it was all false. The problem, then, would be the gullibility of the unlearned public, and the cowardice of experts who just won't connect the dots even when they are screaming at them "HEY LOOK AT ME I DO NOT EXIST YOU ARE HALLUCINATING".

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Yes the panic seems to be more of that type than the “I might be wrong” type.

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99% of discussions about the origins of "HIV" and "AIDS" in gay men prefer to IGNORE what I consider the elephant in the room, namely, the 1978-79 ExPeRiMeNtAl HePaTiTiS B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats.


Within months, the same demographic began dropping dead like flies in 1980 or 1981.


The behavior of gay men did not suddenly change in 1979. Behavior was the same in 1979 as it was in the decade of the 1970s, with many gay men druggin' and drinkin' and screwin' around with multiple partners, while many other gay men did not do these things. Therefore one cannot blame cases of "AIDS" on a change in behavior.


And AZT/Revtrovir/azidothymidine was not permitted until about 1985. Therefore, one cannot blame the thousands of "AIDS" deaths from "AIDS" in the years from 1980 to 1985 on AZT as it was NOT available yet.


Hardly anyone ever even considers the experimental Hep B vaccine as the likely culprit. Certainly not the ridiculous mainstream narrative, i.e., claiming that "AIDS" originated in Africa from hunters eating green monkeys, LOL. And then you have the "Tier-2" people like Duesberg claiming "AIDS" is caused by a druggy lifestyle and/or by ingesting toxic doses or drugs like AZT.


I say BOTH Tier-1 and Tier-2 may be wrong in that neither takes into consideration what was truly NEW at the time in 1978-79, which was the Hep B vaccine for gay men, the exact demographic that starting dropping dead within months of the shots!!!


Quote: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.“ ~ George Santayana


And its corollary: "Those who DID learn from the past are condemned to WATCH as others repeat it."


I DO REMEMBER the past history of ExPeRiMeNtaL VaCCiNeS.

I was also CONDEMNED to WATCH as most of the whole world repeated it with the 2021 launch of the "Covid-19" ExPeRiMeNtaL VaCCiNeS.

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I found this article about the vaccine.

But I do want to note that Duesberg didn't blame all cases of AIDS on AZT, he just said it ALSO created an AIDS-like condition that was pretty much the same as AIDS.

Another note, the Perth Group exposed the main fact about those who developed proto-AIDS and also those who got sick from AZT, that they were heavily oxidized relative to healthy people. This oxidation imbalance also was also necessary in lab culture conditions to see markers that were interpreted as HIV. Is it possible that this isn't an EITHER/OR situation, but that the health problems created by heavy drug and popper usage, plus the extensive drugs used to treat STI's in these guys made them more susceptible to the experimental HepB vaccine? It's the terrain thing going on here.

Another note, even if you don't factor in this vaccine as a variable, the heavy 'lifestyle' terrain (heavy drug use, poppers, antibiotics, other pharmaceuticals, etc.) was in fact a new thing over the previous decade, essentially since Stonewall. Bodies can't withstand that kind of mistreatment forever without breaking down.

I know a guy who is only 26, but he and his partner used methamphatimies pretty heavily 4 or 5 years ago as he described it to me, and he got very sick, developed wasting and other issues related to its use. But being gay, he was tested for HIV and low and behold, he tested positive and all his issues were blamed on it. So on the antiretroviral bandwagon he went, in addition to quitting the brutal meth stints. He's already showing signs of bone loss he told me.

He never took that experimental HepB vaccine, but still developed what was called 'AIDS'.

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Excellent post, as always. Thank you. I cannot bear to watch "Debunk the Funk" anymore. It's not good for my gastric acid levels.

I am grateful for your brief explanation of Christine Maggiore's story. The public sphere is seeded with the slander you mention, and it's hard to find more (other than her prominent appearance in House of Numbers). Is there somewhere where I can read more?

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I’d check Celia Farber’s website (linked in my recommendation list, if you don’t follow her already, but you probably do). She’s written about Christine and knew her personally.

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Here's the book she wrote: https://www.amazon.com/What-Everything-Thought-About-Wrong/dp/0967415306

And a summary of an AZT article my wife wrote for Mothering magazine that featured Christine: https://kffhealthnews.org/morning-breakout/dr00006957/

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That was your wife? Cool. I remember that piece.

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Yep, we became pretty close to Christine & her family back then (we're in SF, they were in LA & our kids were similarly aged) . It started when my wife was assigned to interview Duesberg for her newspaper. Wild times. Predated the COVID world. Now we're both volunteering for RFK Jr's campaign & so happy you're carrying the journalistic torch .

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Thank you Doug for your service to humanity for so many years and your wife’s!! I’m on the campaign too

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The "Dr. Wilson lifestyle" seems to include pseudoscience, misrepresentation, falsehoods, and group-think. Thank you, Miss Rebecca.

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I'm loving the exposure of all the fraudulent science in virology and other medical practices such as gender. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. The truth inevitably comes out because it just takes too much energy to sustain all the lies.

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Great work.

I think Mr. Wilson should try to reunite with Chuck and reminisce their time together on the island. He was best cast as a ball than as a scientist.

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It really is crazy that this whole thing got started because of a press conference. It begs the question who decided the Gallo papers proved they had an answer to what was causing a handful of gay men to get sick. It screams of a politically expedient move on someone's part to make that declaration.

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I’d like to write something special in honor of the 40th anniversary of the press conference.

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please do!

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The papers themselves contain numerous problems. Unmatched control groups, for one.

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Dan Wilson is a Janssen/J&J agent who also gets basic facts wrong about "SARS-COV-2" publications and his idea of "virus isolation" is mixing bodily fluid with a stressed cell line, cow serum and toxic drugs and then blaming "the virus" when the cells break down.


November 15, 2021:

CDC admitted they have no record of any “HIV” purified from any patient sample, by anyone, by any method, anywhere on the planet, ever:


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I’m not surprised to hear that he’s Pharma affiliated and also to learn his idea of “isolation.” Id never heard of bro before yesterday.

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He's done hit pieces on many "anti vaxxers". A total shill, quite despicable.

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Apparently Bro/bru is the first Aids patient

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Good summary, thank you Rebecca. Really shameful how he dishonors Christine Maggiore and misrepresents her story. He also slanders Mbeki.

I will note, though, that right after RFK Jr's book on Fauci came out in late 2021, none of the mainstream reviews even mentioned those chapters that touched on HIV, as if they didn't want to even allow that topic to surface. So it looks like it may surface after all leading up to November, and on the bright side, that will allow people to think about it and look into it, especially the many people who have come to wholly distrust the corporate captured public health establishment during the covid scam.

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I think that this strategy is going to backfire on these people big time.

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Let's do the math. JFK was assassinated for talking truth to power. MLK - same. RFK - same. Malcolm X - same .... and the list goes on. SO now this paid, prompter reader, actor is telling us that RFK Jr is an insane person or a political operative telling lies. Meanwhile veteran vaccine-science researcher, Dr. Judy Mikovits, who lost everything including her husband "murdered by COVID" (she said) says that all vaccines since the 1980's (actually back to the polio shots) are "bioweapons". She should know being in that business/science. Let's look at other truth tellers. Years ago, Archbishop and Nuncio, Carlo Maria Vigano WROTE To POTUS DJT TWICE. I read those letter because they were posted by QANON. AND I watched Vigano's videos talking about this. He told DJT that "There is a great evil in the Church." He was not alone in saying that. At about the same time, Vatican watcher Leo Zagami told Alex Jones on Camera that "The Vatican is at the center of child-trafficking worldwide." Zagami wrote at least 9 books all main-titled "Confessions of an Illuminati" with various subtitles based on the specific subject matter. There are 1.2 BILLION Catholics PLUS others who admire/respect the church. They have all been fooled. General Michael Flynn, a TRUE patriot, explained this indirectly TO Alex Jones several years ago. He said these words: "What people need to understand is that what we are talking about (current events) is NOT conspiracy theory. There IS a conspiracy. We are in a REAL WAR, for now using unconventional warfare tactics where the battles are for the narrative and thus what people believe and thus what they do (vote, purchase, inform others). So don't be a casualty by believe this puppet-actor trying to convince people, using psychological tactics, that RFK Jr is uninformed. Start with "everything that Liberals and their operatives tell us IS a LIE." COVID19 was a lie. "Safe vaccines" were a lie. Masks are helpful - a lie. Remdesivir is effective and safe - a lie. Liberals are liars and their paid, actor, worthless humans are liars. People BELIEVED there was a COVID virus and went to doctors and hospitals and died. As a Army veteran nurse ("Erin") said on video from the Elmhurst hospital in NYC early on in COVID days, "THIS IS MURDER". What she was witnessing was "murder". "Helping people" and "Saving people" and "Protecting people" were all LIES by lying liberals. Wake up people.

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