Thank you for this news Rebecca. I gotta say, if this will help reduce consumption of PrEP (which has no beneficial purpose, has bad side effects, and is a boondoggle for big pharma), then I'm all for it!

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$20k every six months for the injectable? Holy crud that's insane. And this part really made me do a scoobie-do double take, "The company on Thursday released results from an advanced trial of the drug’s use as PrEP in cisgender women showing it was highly effective;"

BUT, being a 'cisgender' woman is already protective against 'HIV' given the lack of an explosive AIDS epidemic in straight women in the West. So this leads me to believe we're looking at a known pharmaceutical trick of doing research on poor Africans, or on custodial children, etc. Finding a sufficiently large group of white cisgender women to create statistically significant results seems unlikely.

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Thank you so much for staying on top of this issue.

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This situation has as many fallacious assumptions as the "witch" scene from Search for the Holy Grail. A woman outfitted by her accusers to appear as a witch goes before a "judge" who claims that witches are made from wood, that because wood and ducks both float, witches and ducks weigh the same, and who finally "proves" the woman a witch using scales which falsely indicate the woman's weight to be equal to a duck. Thus, in both cases, an entire farcical procedure is followed, completely lacking in both scientific evidence and valid logic, but accepted by all involved as if the opposite were true.

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Notice the Johns Hopkins researchers “speculated” that a $10 copay would double the abandonment rate . . but they have no comment on what the clinical outcome of such abandonment would be. Which suggests to me that they don’t think there would be any impact at all.

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