Also, it is interesting to note the weird use of statistics as you point out. They're obviously designed to make things sound legit and scientific to non-science people. And this is the crux of what 'HIV/AIDS' has been for the past 40 years. Scientificy sounding stuff that fools most people into believing the whole thing is real. PrEP rests entirely on this.

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I just learned a new word, 'purposive'. That's how you make spying on twitter accounts sound scientificky. lol

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Most medical and biological machines spew results in spreadsheet form, as results are just columns of numbers.

Imagine experiments based on flawed premises, carried out by technicians who don't understand the protocols, using machines with temperamental hardware, and with proprietary software few know well.

Combine that with a poor understanding of mathematics and statistics, and modern science lacks any chance of yielding applicable information.

Though some of us struggled to follow protocols properly, to confirm machines functioned properly, to learn the software, and to analyze data correctly, it was always scientific dogma that mandated use of a flawed scientific premise.

As a career research scientist, I remain unconvinced any scientific research can be considered valid.

And, I consider it the height of evil that such falsehoods are used to harm whomever can be convinced by their propaganda.

According to fellow Canadian, Denis Rancourt, his data indicated that lower income black Americans in the US South suffered a 10-fold higher death rate from covid injections (1% per dose) than did the overall population. And, living in the US South (and teaching at an HBCU at the time,) I remember the multiple campaigns to inject that population first. Why they are targeted, I can't say.

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