Thank you for that defense. Personally, I don't "dispute" the term "AIDS denialist," I dismiss it outright as a tool of the propagandist. And the slight possibility that the author is an actual journalist is outweighed by the overwhelming evidence that the great bulk of so-called journalists are nothing but well paid shills of moneyed interests.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

As someone who lived HIV AIDS during the late 80s - 90s in Southern California the mere mention of HIV has my attention. The loss & suffering I witnessed is with me to this day some 40 years later. The media coverage, the Hospital Protocols -all of it and then the SCAMDEMIC PLANDEMIC arrived. People forgot that era in our history it seems. I didn't & this crap Trump and his cohorts did brought it ALL back to me like a hurricane. I was appalled, angry pissed off and now enraged. Denials of sv40 & HIV Receptors in jabs. Pfizer a company built from where & on lies, yet people Believed the lies told 365-24-7 daily. Ask yourselves why would this Government give out for FREE PAXLOVID an HIV MEDICATION with over 600 known drug interactions ESPECIALLY to our elderly. TOXIC & Deadly. Not a single person I tried to WARN & TELL would listen. Nope didn't want to hear about HIV. Oh those drugs repurposed & repackaged...2 combo blister pack of possible death with claims of working! Everyone has a phone do a little research before being brainwashed by the liars in the mainstream who were paid a billion dollars to lie by our Dept of Health and Human Services. FACT! No time to read? Lazy? Illiterate? Wake up. Anytime the Government is giving out FREE to SAVE YOU....RED FLAG! Not to save anyone!

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Bravo TJ. I took the poison pills for 30 years Stopped HIV meds two years ago. I have osteoporosis so bad that I could break a rib when I sneeze. 75 years old and I think it too late to restore my health, but I carry on. BP

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And remember, hiv doesn’t exist, or at least is a harmless entity. An industry built on fear and greed.

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Maybe you should look into Adjuvants and Antigens in Vaccines that I posted about back in early 2021. So far, none of you "truthers" have done any research or posts on the subject. None, meaning 0.00. Ceramide in Covid Vaccines causes Oxidative Stress and Neuron Death. Taurine & Sulfur in Covid Vaccines are linked to Neurodegenerative Diseases https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/going-for-the-juggler-on-vaccine

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"Pharmaceutical giants don’t set up $10 billion slush funds to cover lawsuit settlements if they know their products are effective and harmless." - Quite! And the easiest way to cut through the blather. Thanks for your important work. Best

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Thank you Neenyah, for setting the record straight and defending Rebecca's scientific and personal integrity!

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TY for yet another great article here on Substack. I subscribe to many on the platform and wish I could support them all. The best I can do is share & comment. I stated following journalist on Substack when the great Nazis decided to censor everything & everybody. It is sad our World has come to this. It is only going to get worse it seems.

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