Rebecca, I am so thankful for you providing detailed analysis of the “research“. One of the basic problems with the entire model is that people who test HIV positive have not been found in any large studies that I’m aware of to have any risk of transmitting it to people around them, including people who they have intimate sexual relations with.

It is unclear why some people test HIV positive consistently, some people test HIV negative consistently, and some people go back-and-forth between positive and negative when they are tested repeatedly over time.

There is most likely a correlation between testing positive and having health problems, but this is difficult to separate from the stigma and negative power of “groupthink“, It may be that people who test positive have a tendency to have inflammatory conditions such as allergic responses, autoimmune responses or other “ infectious“ illnesses such as influenza. My emphasis would be to help them heal with a mind body spirit approach, rather than a pharmaceutical approach. The “placebo effect“ has a strong impact but there are healthier ways to generate this than relying on pharmaceutical drugs.

People who are ill also benefit from tender loving care, something that we can all provide for each other, in small ways and sometimes in big ways. After all, illness is a basic part of life, and tuning into a healthier perspective helps our healing systems. Your work is a great assistant in this direction. 😇

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Dr I know of someone who's partner have tested positive after years of have a sexual relationship with the guy on to discover he is infact HIV positive, and before she was negative that is why I ask is "U=U" model as some activist calls it the "new status" not a better thing to strive for it's achiement through treatment, Prep and Pep?

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A great read as always, Rebecca!

I am writing my own book about HIV/AIDS. ‘CASCAIDS: The shocking true story of how a tiny elite of scientists, medics, public health officials and activists faked a global pandemic.' I have started posting about it on Substack. I would love for you to read my posts and share if you think they are worthy. Many thanks, Paul


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A great read as always, Rebecca!

I am writing my own book about HIV/AIDS. ‘CASCAIDS: The shocking true story of how a tiny elite of scientists, medics, public health officials and activists faked a global pandemic.' I have started posting about it on Substack. I would love for you to read my posts and share if you think they are worthy. Many thanks, Paul


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Thank you Rebecca for telling us about this important court case. While I would be delighted if it resulted in reduced uptake of PrEP drugs, I'd prefer it be for the right reasons, namely that these drugs are highly toxic, that HIV does not cause any illness, and that none of the tests that allegedly demonstrate presence or absence of HIV are valid. If we can get that result on religious freedom grounds, so be it, but let's keep pushing for the whole truth to come out!

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Hello Rebecca A pleasure to read your work as always. I am currently working on a book with the working title '‘CASCAIDS’: The shocking true story of how a tiny elite of scientists, medics and public health officials were able to fake a global pandemic.' The book's central idea is that the development and dogmatisation of the ‘HIV causes AIDS’ narrative / orthodoxy is a classic example of an Availability Cascade. I will publishing my first 'CASCAIDS' post shortly. I hope you read them and, even better, provide me with feedback. All the best, Paul.

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I really appreciate what you are doing, is U=U and prep not proven to work I just want to understand this we have so many couples who are having mixed statuses and have kids who are negative due to this U=U which is on bases of taking treatment or using Prep

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