Mar 22Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Not tomorrow!

We're still in March.

It's still a few days before I hit 40 and my real life starts. I want my two week notice letter!

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It is HIV, not the whole ‘cure for HIV’ that should be in quotation marks as it is HIV that is a hoax.

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Thanks for tackling this. You really hit it right. I can remember grappling with the reservoir question about 20 years ago when I was doing HIV research. It’s just as absurd today as it was then.

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The endless lying. It's so wearisome.

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In a lot of ways 'science' now is what religion was to the average person back in the 12th or 13th centuries. The church dictated what truth was and told everyone what the Bible said and how to interpret it and in turn what that meant for them. Science now is dictated to us, and we aren't supposed to question the priests/scientists who tell us what is truth. Hell, even Fauci was up there on TV saying he's the face of science like some high priest.

When we hear these stories, most people will look at the reports and internally assume so many things are true ('HIV' genetic material is proven, scientists are working with actual 'HIV', etc., they know it 'hides out' in secret cells waiting to make you sick), the scientists are 'good' and highly intelligent, and thus are telling us truths that only they and their education can understand. We're expected to be beholden to them.

It is fascinating to me the parallels with 12th century religion that did the same thing to people. Most people were illiterate, much less verse in Latin and thus completely incapable of reading the Vulgate Bible.

The church was financially and politically powerful, much like pharma companies are now. So many parallels.

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How do any of the people working that field still believe the lie?

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Is it the same technology with the Addimmune? I hope you to write about the Addmmune as well.



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