Foundational problem is misplaced trust of, and reliance on the medical establishment. Dr. Norton Handler detailed this problem in his several books, including The Last Well Person and Worried Sick in which he documents the mostly fraudulent treatment regimens including "tests" and their subsequent prescribing of toxic medications and largely unnecessary surgeries. As he proves, longitudinal studies show that nearly all medical procedures, whether medication or surgery, had zero health benefit over simple (non-profitable) diet and exercise changes. As bad as that sounds, his indictment of the medical establishment is even more severe-- trust of the medical establishment is perilous to one's health.

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I don’t think your question about their selling another, and larger, dose of drug is naive. I think it’s reasonable to question the med establishment’s every move. After all, have they - organizations like Gilead Sciences (remdesivir) and Pfizer (covid injections) - not lied to us before and before and before…? And made us suffer? (and am so sorry also about the way they treated your dad)

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"While 94% of White people who doctors say could benefit from it are now on PrEP". What interests me here is how the messaging refutes the 'everyone is at risk' trope that's been a kind of message mainstay for HIV/AIDS since the beginning of all this. But it also demonstrates how you keep a 'pandemic' going by biasing the system towards constantly testing people who 'doctors say could benefit' from a drug.

So this cabotegravir is given in 3 large bolus doses? Gads, peoples' poor livers and kidneys have to deal with this much toxin at once. I looked it up and this drug is an 'integrase strand transfer inhibitor', whatever that means. But it's a single drug as opposed to several in Truvada and Descovy, and it also means it'll have its own unique toxicity in the body. Given that other PrEP formulations affect the body and not just 'HIV', this INST will do something weird to our physiology no doubt that's not great.

Also, I'm increasingly amused by the names they're having to come up with all these drugs. 'Cabotegravir' doesn't exactly roll of the tongue, but I noticed this not long ago at the gym while riding a bike and watching drug ads showing up (constantly it seems) on the TVs, that the names are increasingly bizarre and hard to pronounce. It's like they're running out of weird drug sounding names.

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