What I find interesting is not what they're saying, but the tone of what they're saying. It's religious language, speaking out against so-called heretics. This tone is the same as church leaders I grew up with speaking out against things and people they considered heretical. Covid has opened the doors to broad suspicion of the scientific and medical systems and they're feverishly trying to shut them back up.

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Absolutely. Replace “denialist” with “under the influence of the devil” and “conspiracy theory” with “deadly sin” and you got your whole theology. “Self-styled HIV research” is heresy.

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100%. Virology and the entire vision of "science" that comes from it, is indeed a rigid religion, with priests (some elevated to the status of demi-god), followers, and heretics. As if we cannot figure that out from her Twitter bio:

"Senior reporter at Mother Jones, covering disinformation, tech and extremism. Author of REPUBLIC OF LIES".

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Impossible to respond to such hit piece as there is not a single sentence of substance. I.e not a single reference to reality. No science.

Only smearing "denialist", "denialist" bla.bla.

The whole article is a long boring nothing of interest. Just the feelings of a person cut of reality. Clearly some psycological deficiencies.

Could probably make a psycological portait of the author based on the article.

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Isn’t it astounding how all the defenders of the party line in HIV never give any references and only resort to what they imagine are the worst insults (denialist, conspiracy theorist, right-wing extremist). Absolutely substance and evidence free. It is what already Kary Mullís experienced and pointed out. There is no evidence. They can’t cite it. And they get mad when you ask about it and sling mud at you.

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This article contains so many gratuitous digs at the courageous truth seekers who have raised important and entirely valid questions. The author sounds like another mean girl bodyguard of sacred official narratives, just itching to slam the door on open discourse and shred free speech rights.

I imagine she also believes that a few Arabs with box cutters and poor aviation skills successfully attacked the world's most heavily protected, multi-billion dollar defense HQ by surprise, and that the laws of physics governing steel reinforced skyscrapers were miraculously suspended on a September day 23 years ago.

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Not so much that she believes it, but that she is sure her readers do.

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I think that if a Jesuit and the daughter of Nazi Scientist got together to produce children in a vat, those parahuman living entities would grow up to start a publication named "MIT Technology Review" or pretty close.

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Amazing. Through that whole article it's just taken for granted that what they call misinformation is so. Not even a single example is used to buttress the argument. Some scientists they have there at MIT.

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They worship their holy science

With a technocratic creed

Put faith in their priestly experts

And their pharmacratic greed

- Lonely Misanthrope

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Thank you for sharing the article “How covid conspiracy theories led to an alarming resurgence in AIDS denialism”. I find it interesting to know how the mainstream media is trying to suppress information that the medical authority doesn’t want the public to know. As the author of this article writes in the subtitle, I think it is true that the “Widespread distrust of our public health system is reviving long-debunked ideas on HIV and AIDS—and energizing a broad movement that questions the foundations of disease prevention.” As Celia puts it in the Afterword of her book “Serious Adverse Events — An Unsensored History of AIDS”, “This has changed because the Covid operation has been so transparently catastrophic to humanity.”

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Big HIV OPIOID PHARMA THUGS 💰 were in the Congo during the POLIO crap 50's. Edward Hopper wrote a great book The River. Then big HIV OPIOID PHARMA THUGS moved to South Africa during Apartheid and developed a Bioweapon against blacks moving along to the mostly GAY Community late 70s - 80s ahh a geni in a bottle! The TRUTH will never be told! IMO. FACT OUR COMMUNIST CONTROLLED US Government is 💯😂% involved. Americans are very naive to think otherwise. This COVID SCAMDEMIC PLANDEMIC was done long long ago 1974 Depopulation Agenda to Today. Anyone watch movies? Past Olympic openers! They always tell ya ahead of time re their Satanic Evil crap! Again IMO. Remember that this Government gave out to 98 million Americans the vile POLIO VACCINE that caused the CANCER we have today! sv40 Bernice Eddy! and FAUCI was is will always be a money grubbing $ bought & paid for POS! He gave us REMDESIVIR a drug with a 53% death rate for Ebola! Then for those who WORSHIP TRUMP above GOD...he bought up the world's supply of REMDESIVIR, allowed the Hospital Protocols etc. In on it all the way! The Gene 🧬 en-CODED THERAPIES that are NOT VACCINES are 💯 % a product of the Communist Controlled Dept of Defense who merely contracted with jab makers to inject their Depopulation Bioweapons into everyone and in doing so (HIV & sv40 receptors) are moving along with Depopulation! While everyone was distracted with stupidity check out old previous CONGRESSIONAL records...

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Maybe you should look into Adjuvants and Antigens in Vaccines that I posted about back in early 2021. So far, none of you "truthers" have done any research or posts on the subject. None, meaning 0.00. Ceramide in Covid Vaccines causes Oxidative Stress and Neuron Death. Taurine & Sulfur in Covid Vaccines are linked to Neurodegenerative Diseases https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/going-for-the-juggler-on-vaccine

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Man, she gave you a free shout out. That should sell some books lol.

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The author of the hit piece is a "senior reporter at Mother Jones," a publication once leftwing but now clearly a biofascist rag.

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Rebecca, only very tangentially related, but want to bring this to your attention. My local newspaper in the San Francisco Bay Area just reprinted a NYT article by Carl Zimmer touting a new study published in Science about TIPS, therapeutic interfacing particles, "a molecular mimic that invades a cell and steals essential proteins from the virus" claiming that "this viral thief prevented HIV from multiplying in monkeys." Oh, and they want to market it in poor countries, natch!

Have you seen it? Will TIPS become the successor to PrEP? The very end of the article does mention some potential downsides (what could possibly go wrong??).

Hope you can tell us more about this and provide your analysis

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David Rasnick on the AIDS hoax

David Rasnick is a biochemist who has spent decades studying AIDS and cancer.

He created DATE analysis as part of his cancer theory work. (DATE stands for Differentiation, Adaptation, Transformation, Evolution.) He knows what he is talking about, in other words.

Podcast: https://jermwarfare.com/podcast/david-rasnick-hiv-aids

Anthony Brink on Thabo Mbeki being right about HIV/AIDS

Anthony Brink is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa and argues that former South African president Thabo Mbeki was right about HIV not causing AIDS. He also runs an excellent website called the Treatment Action Group.

Podcast: https://jermwarfare.com/podcast/anthony-brink

Quintin Jonck on stopping all of his HIV/AIDS medication

Quintin Jonck is a normal guy who was diagnosed as HIV-positive 23 years ago.

But here’s the thing. The doctors told him that he had two to four years left to live.

Let that sink in.

He was perfectly healthy and suddenly told he was going to die. Over two decades later, he is married with children and living a normal life.

Podcast: https://jermwarfare.com/podcast/quintin-jonck-hiv

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My conclusion is to keep hitting whatever Miss Propaganda Anna is protesting:

1) “Party drugs” were an “important factor in AIDS”

2) AZT killed people “quicker”

3) Fauci orchestrated the government's response to AIDS for personal gain and to promote AZT

4) HIV doesn’t cause AIDS [and] that there’s no such thing as HIV at all

5) Question basic public health measures like vaccines, social distancing, and masks

6) Create suspicion around other diseases, like measles, and to challenge foundational claims of the science of viruses—that is, that viruses don’t exist at all

7) Code of silence—that silence was “purchased among virologists globally with a total of $37 billion in annual payoffs in research grants”

8) Poppers could be the cause of AIDS. “100 percent of the people who died in the first thousand [with] AIDS were people [...] addicted to poppers, [...] known to cause Kaposi sarcoma in rats”

9) HIV/AIDS was a “PSY OP”; a long war of government propaganda, in which covid is the latest salvo

10) Whisleblower scientists and journalists are “canceled” by the scientific establishment, and the government is repressing and censoring “alternative” views

11) Asserting that AIDS, COVID-19, cancer[?] or other diseases are a hoax or not real

12) PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis drugs, can cause bone and kidney damage

13) Biochemist Kary Mullis talking about the moment he first “really questioned” the predominant HIV narrative

14) Exposing PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), the program supports HIV testing, prevention, and treatment in "lower-resource" countries

15) The idea that germs don’t cause illness

Interestingly, Propanganda Anna does not distinguish between "alternative" claims that are scientifically-based versus claims that are belief-based: For instance, she writes of such non-scientific claims as: 1) Ivermectin is a treatment or preventative for covid, and, 2) covid-19 was created by “splicing” HIV into a coronavirus to “inflict maximum harm.”

I wonder if Propaganda Anna and her puppeteers are aware that, perhaps, the greater threat to scientific "alternative" claims is those within the "alternative" space who oppose scientific claims and, instead push their non-scientific based claims.

And on a related note, Propaganda Anna does make an interesting point: that Trump and his wing of the Republican Party have not yet taken up the particular cause of "AIDS denialists." "Thank goodness," exclaims one opponent of "alternative" scientific-based ideas, that Trump and the GOP are still aligned with Propaganda Anna.

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