"“Science is becoming power politics, where might makes right."

I'm sure one Anthony S. Fauci would nod knowingly - and with a sadistic grin - at this thought.

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You gotta wonder how he sleeps at night.

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What I find interesting is that the rallying cry from activists about 'HIV/AIDS' is that the government ignored it and didn't do enough to help. In fact I think it's quite the opposite, the government jumped in and declared a politically convenient cause that in the long run just made things worse. What is so difficult here, and what makes it such a hard thing to go away, is that society, in part at least, began to accept LGB people because of the HIV/AIDS story. I think so many in the LGB group don't want to let go or even examine HIV/AIDS because it rattles the underpinnings of the social view that gay men were a marginalized group that became victims to this scourge. If you point towards self-inflicted causes, it undermines this social acceptance. It's sad to me because I think society would have eventually granted acceptance without the need for the LGB to be attached at the hip to this crappy HIV/AIDS story.

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