Rebecca among your followers you have scientics, maybe they can help in clarifying the test part, what exactly do they see in the test at laboratory

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HIV is sexually transmitted I know of people who got infected through sexual intercourse, maybe not in one sexual act but numerous act between couples

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Worse yet, the experts have found their estimates and projections of the epidemic to be embarrassingly inaccurate. The so-called latency period--the time between when a person is infected with HIV and develops clinical AIDS-was originally calculated in 1984 to be ten months. Almost every year since, this incubation period has been revised upward. Now it is placed at ten years or longer. Even at the clinical level, doctors find the prognosis of any single infected patient frustratingly unpredictable. They cannot anticipate when a healthy HIV-infected person will become sick and which disease will affect him--a yeast infection, a pneumonia, a cancer of the blood, dementia--or perhaps no sickness at all.

Estimating the spread of the virus has meanwhile led to another problem: Officials have continually predicted the explosion of AIDS into the general population through sexual transmission of HIV, striking males and females equally, as well as homosexuals and heterosexuals, to be followed by a corresponding increase in the rate of death. However, despite the extensive use of the test for HIV antibodies-commonly known as the AIDS test--which first led officials to announce that 1 million Americans were already infected with the virus as of 1985, the number of HIV-positive Americans now is the same as that in 1985--1 million. In short, the alleged viral disease does not seem to be spreading from the 1 million HIV-positive Americans to the remaining 250 million. AIDS itself has not yet affected larger numbers of women nor has it entered the heterosexual population outside of drug addicts: Nine of every ten AIDS patients is still male, and more than 95 percent still fall into the same risk categories-homosexuals, heroin addicts, or, in a few cases, hemophiliacs. In Africa, the six million to eight million people who were said to be infected for more than a decade have translated into a mere 250,000 AIDS victims, some 3 percent to 4 percent of the HIV-positive people. The Caribbean nation of Haiti, where 6 percent of the population was known to be infected with HIV by 1985, has meanwhile remained relatively untouched by the AIDS epidemic.

Something is very wrong with this picture. How could the largest and most sophisticated scientific establishment in history have failed so miserably in saving lives and even in forecasting the epidemic's toll? ally predicted the explosion of AIDS into the general population through sexual transmission of HIV, striking males and females equally, as well as homosexuals and heterosexuals, to be followed by a corresponding increase in the rate of death. However, despite the extensive use of the test for HIV antibodies-commonly known as the AIDS test--which first led officials to announce that 1 million Americans were already infected with the virus as of 1985, the number of HIV-positive Americans now is the same as that in 1985--1 million. In short, the alleged viral disease does not seem to be spreading from the 1 million HIV-positive Americans to the remaining 250 million. AIDS itself has not yet affected larger numbers of women nor has it entered the heterosexual population outside of drug addicts: Nine of every ten AIDS patients is still male, and more than 95 percent still fall into the same risk categories-homosexuals, heroin addicts, or, in a few cases, hemophiliacs. In Africa, the six million to eight million people who were said to be infected for more than a decade have translated into a mere 250,000 AIDS victims, some 3 percent to 4 percent of the HIV-positive people. The Caribbean nation of Haiti, where 6 percent of the population was known to be infected with HIV by 1985, has meanwhile remained relatively untouched by the AIDS epidemic.

Something is very wrong with this picture. How could the largest and most sophisticated scientific establishment in history have failed so miserably in saving lives and even in forecasting the epidemic's toll?

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When, where, how and by who was purified isolate of hiv certified as obtained from a patient suffering illness? Without purified isolate of the suspected disease causing agent to establish a Gold Standard for testing, what are the tests testing for? And how did they prove source of transmission?

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As I have said I know people who one was positive and infected another who was negative, as to what is tested they say it's HIV test that is how far my knowledge ends, sexual transmission happens

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Clearly your knowledge ends sooner than your blind-faith, unquestioning beLIEf. To declare “sexual transmission happens” you first need to rule out all other possible routes of transmission or “infection” from other sources and then explain why hiv has failed to spread among general population like any/every other sexually transmitted infection. Why has the phantom called hiv failed to spread as any/every other sexually transmitted infection does/has? How has the population of Africa-despite unending famine, drought, endemic disease and genocidal conflict more than doubled since 1984 prediction of being decimated by hiv/AIDS by the year 2000? Sexual transmission is theorized to happen but NOT proven. AIDS Since 1984: No Evidence For A New Viral Epidemic-Not Even In Africa http://www.duesberg.com/articles/Duesberg%20et%20al_AIDS%20since%201984%20No%20evidence%20for%20a%20new%20viral%20epidemic%20not%20even%20in%20Africa_IJAE_2011.pdf

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One more thing you are not recognizing in the population grow issue is that most house hold a "child headed families" where you'll find 12 years old boy/girl raising his/her siblings with nothing and the circle continue with those children becoming sexual targets of older man, so does the sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS.

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One more thing that you are not recognizing with the population growth issue is how are children born to hiv positive parents who die of hiv induced AIDS so therefore the children would be presumed to be hiv positive outliving their parents to become caretakers of other children and “sexual targets of older man” and the sexual transmission of hiv/AIDS? If the children are born of hiv infected and AIDS afflicted parents how are they outliving their parents? Shouldn’t the children born of hiv infected, AIDS suffering parents also be sick with hiv/AIDS? If the theory is true, that is.

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Mother to child transmission was introduced in 2003

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Firstly my point is about transmission not about reproduction, HIV positive people can reproduce, so the issue of population growth is both for and against. Fortunately you send me a link that talk to South African situation, I'm here seeing on daily bases the negative impact of HIV South Africa is having highest numbers of daily diagnosed people in the world, 8.4 of 38 millions infected is here. Most of those infection are attributed to sexual contacts with untreated person (carrier) or having multiple sexual partners particularly among young girl and older man. As I have said I personally knows a person who is positive and had infected his girlfriend through sexual intercourse because they didn't use condom

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A simple question...if a sexually transmitted immune deficiency deadly disease is causing widespread death in Africa how do you explain the more than doubling of the African population since 1984 proposed hiv theory prediction of the population being decimated by hiv by the year 2000? Wouldn’t all the sex needed to cause such population growth also be spreading the deadly infection and decreasing the population?

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That would be thanks to intervention of treatment and prevention strategy, because now people are nolonger dying as previously

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You don't transmit the syndrome but the virus which later leads to syndrome

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you do understand that by “reproducibility” I am referring to the ability to reproduce the results of the study/tests that are presented as support for the proposed theory NOT the fact that infected people can still reproduce, don’t you? And as I said, how was the source of transmission confirmed? But even more important, without a Gold Standard established through purified isolate of the suspected disease causing agent what are the tests testing for?

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I was responding to population decline issue firstly, to respond to reproducibility don't you think thze HIV research has moved significantly in the past years way advanced with the help of technology, even companies like American Gene Technology are now involve in the fight against HIV, test are testing for antibodies to the said virus, the are two main source of transmissions blood and other bodily fluids in this case sexual fluids as they exchanged during unprotected sexual intercourse.

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The 1984 proposed hiv/AIDS theory claimed the supposedly sexually transmitted infection would explode into general population-the estimated number of one million infected americans doubling annually, some said infecting “one in five heterosexuals by 1990”- and decimate the population of Africa. Meanwhile, after 38 years the estimated number of hiv infected americans has only grown from one million to 1.2 million and remains primarily restricted to original risk groups despite every other sexually transmitted infection increasing in the general population. Meanwhile, despite unending famine, drought, endemic disease and genocidal conflict the population of Africa and particularly the most poverty stricken sub-Saharan region has more than doubled.

Kindly explain how this could happen if the hiv theory that an often undetectable phantom causes sexually transmitted epidemic immune failure disease was true.

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Rebecca, Please contact the Women Leading Interactive Television Network WLIT ramping up WomenLeading.info to answer your question on 2-way TV and millions of others.

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Provide answer here as well please

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