Wow, the only thing I can take away from this is that the HIV lie is so mind-warping as a paradigm that obvious poison is seen as a kind of amazing saving substance. One of the things the Perth Group pointed out, I believe it was in the long BMJ debate, was that AZT couldn't possible have actual DNA-chain terminating properties. In order for this to happen, it would need to go through a tri-phosphorylation process by the cell in order to become an active metabolite, but they point to something like 6 pharmacokinetic papers, 5 of which showed it did this by at least one order of magnitude too little to have any theoretical DNA chain terminating effects. AZT was simply a powerful oxidizing agent that was a kind of biochemical blowtorch to healthy biochemical processes.

This mind-warping effect surrounding HIV and AZT, where black is white and white is black, is also seen in the use of benzodiazepines, many antibiotics, and other pharmaceuticals that cause physical devastation to people. The medical establishment is in a kind of utter denial. Listening to many interviews with people who were serious messed up by benzos is a hard things to do, but you walk away from these interviews knowing one thing, the medical 'professionals' who prescribed them are often the harbingers of destruction in peoples' lives via their prescriptions, and are in complete denial, unable to see it, often blaming peoples' severe reactions to these drugs as just part of the problem they are trying to treat WITH the drugs. It's terrifying.

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The BEN in benzodiazepines is the very toxic chemical BENZENE! Back in the 1890's the Doctors and Scientists of the day already knew that benzene created cancer and diabetes. (This is from the National Chemical Manufacturers Association website 28 years ago and my late benzene damaged wife who did the research and found out for the first time how the 38 years of benzene induced type 1, insulin dependent diabetes came assaulted her body/immune system. Back in 1905, the rothschild owned Standard Bank of New York funded the rockefeller creation known as Standard Oil of Ohio, now Exxon-Mobil brought the commercial use of this dangerous to deadly toxin. It is a by-product of the crude oil refining process and is a cheap solvent that the industry used to clean their equipment between other batches of toxic chemicals. Then at some unknown to me point in time, someone started putting this evil i soooo many places most are totally unaware of like Gay men's lubricants that produces the same exact symptoms as the well known Aids 'virus' and yes i know that the virus has yet to be isolated. Also intentionally placed in to ladies feminine products under the names of paraBENS, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, aviation fuels, food preservative, meds. vaccines, dyes, glues inks, paints/lacquers/thinners, explosives, laundry detergent's, and in the evil known as Agent Orange. Monsatan is who created this poison that have murdered thousands of our AO exposed troops in Viet Nam, before talking about the million's of Vietnamese people of the Mekong delta region./Ho Che Min trail. Thru the AO damaged vets, we further learned that this poison create horrific birth defects, tumors, ugly skin issue and all manner of neurological issues. AO has a double dose of benzene in it. When asked to create a defolient monsatan stared out with a dioxin formula that already had benzene in it and to make it into AO all they did was to add more of this cheap solvent. Faucci, with his eight years of every kind of chemistry in med. school had to know this. As did the MD's who put this evil in place. In my late wife's research, she found a 12 page research document titled "Benzene , Lubricant's and Aids' the Naturopathic Doctor lays out much more than i can share here. And this document is it's own chapter in the book i wrote about our seven and a half year natural healing quest to turn her benzene shut down pancreas back on and stop the insulin dependent diabetes of 38 years from exposures as a young girl. Her father worked for a chemical company, worked with/around this poison everyday and brought it home to his family! Or you can see the same document where my wife found this at vactruth.com. This was about 28 years ago now. If you see BEN on a food label, personal care product or any cleaning product, that is BENZENE! Our own Department of Defense is the largest user of this evil on the planet! The book can be viewed at outskirtspress/howisitpossible. To read/see about how i brought my wife back to life with this very old reflexology technique, visit YT and type in Heart Pressure Point Technique and in four minutes you will be able to do as i did and i am four for four in heart attacks inside the Heart Institute! Here is the rest of what the benzene did to my wife; four heart attacks, four heart stoppages, one heart flutter episode, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, a blood pressure crash, threw a blood clot in her upper right arm two silver dollar sized chest wound from the 46 shocks before they quit and 'called' the time of death and at three weeks in, lab diagnosed with the deadly MRSA staph infection that everyone in the ICU knew she would be dead in two, three days max. but that did not happen with what i did naturally from our healing quest. The only thing AZT cures is the corporate bottom line!

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So what if AZT does or doesn't actually behave as a chain terminator in vivo?

For most drugs, the actual mechanism of action remains a mystery.

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They're probably mostly trolls.

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My friend went on AZT and died within a few months.

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Musk is a psyop. The Musk psyop is being used to draw much-needed attention to the HIV issue including the toxic impact of high dose AZT.

I'm wondering why you noted that: "Even Tylenol..."

"Is acetaminophen [Tylenol} toxicity the second most common cause of liver transplant worldwide?

In the United States, acetaminophen toxicity [almost always from overdoses] has replaced viral hepatitis as the most common cause of acute hepatic failure and is the second most common cause of liver failure requiring transplantation."


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Free Ebook: The Magical Inventions of Nikola Tesla V.3 Updated for 2024 by Chris Edwards of (TeslaLeaks.com) Elon Musk: 'We Named Tesla after Nikola Tesla'. 'Nikola Tesla was an immigrant whose inventions led to American dominance' in energy and useage. Tesla’s logo is a slice of Nikola Tesla's A/C Motor. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/free-ebook-the-magical-inventions-eee

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Nuremberg 2.0 Daily News December 2024 ft Quad-Demic? Scamdemic planners push Bird-Flu B.S. (Animal to Human) to Quarantine RFK's choice for Milk Policy, Mark McAfee of Raw Farms (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-daily-news-december

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Get the latest on President Elon Musk shuts-down the Deep State. The Swamp Strikes-Back... https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/president-elon-musk-shuts-down-the The final bill that passed no longer reauthorizes the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/5051463-gop-health-funding-proposal/

The new version of the short-term spending bill to extend government funding does not include an extension of a government agency accused of "censorship."https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/3266181/funding-global-engagement-center-cut-spending-bill-gop-backlash/

Unknown: People Injured by COVID Vaccine May Get New Chance at Getting Money. The timeframe for people injured by COVID-19 "countermeasures," such as vaccines, to file a claim for compensation is set to be extended under the new government spending bill. https://www.newsweek.com/people-injured-covid-vaccine-may-get-new-chance-getting-money-2003058

The free bailout money for Ethanol producers dropped from $30B to $0. The mainstream media calls these people “farmers”. The farmers that use your food to burn in gas tanks. https://ethanolproducer.com/articles/rfa-growth-energy-slam-decision-to-strip-e15-provisions-from-legislation

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AZT IS NOT used today.

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It is an astounding reversal of history that AIDS activists would now defend AZT when even ACTUP and its official historiographer Sarah Schulman writes(in 2019) that in 1993 it became clear that AZT wasn’t working. I think sometimes they just repeat certain templates (basically if you criticize biomedicine for anything at all, you are a “conspiracy theorist”, fake, misinformation spreader….what other insults are there?) and just fill in AZT or vaccines or anything that harms people. It’s an empty template. No evidence. No logic.

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OK, so how does that excuse Musk and his mRNA factories? All someone has to do today is say something you like and people will support everything evil that goes along with them. It's a Faustian bargain. I can't believe people still fall for this.

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Just watched a 50's movie, entitled, The Fearmakers, about a crooked polling firm which used influential bought-and-paid-for shills to promote propaganda to convince millions of people to believe a certain narrative.

My suspicion is the response to RFKJr is the combined result of such corrupted influential shills within the "gay community" and the many who have been convinced by the shills' false narrative.

Who benefits?

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I'm still learning the details on the whole HIV Aids, but as soon as I knew the background on AZT I knew what was going on on general. Toxic drugs always lead to a cascade into polypharmacy and multitude of illness and wrong diagnosis. Good for pharma very bad for you. Then you have the marketing based on fear psychology bombardment inducing what Peter Breggin calls medication spellbinding. So that even though it is obvious to anyone outside that the drugs are causing harm the patients totally believes in them.

I'm wondering do you have respected experts who take both sides. In psychiatry you have people obsessed with proving that there is no chemical imbalance and therefore posit antidepressants do not correct a chemical imbalance, while at the same time subjecting their patients to neuroleptics antipsychotics. The hypocrisy is sickening quite literally through terrible toxic harm done either short or long term.

Theatre is also at play. So long as the media is controlled the experts can assert one thing while within a closed culture practice another and that closed culture can be a toxic substance inside a body. If the expert says it's HIV Aids and not the drugs how do you expose it. The situation in psych - how do you prove a person has iatrogenic akathisia a neurological disorder and not severe anxiety or psychosis when the prescriber caused it and has the power to control the whole narrative of illness ?

But yes, I think a lot will be trolls.

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