Feb 29Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

About the question from X Man. The problem with saying ARV's are altering a sick person's health in a positive way and thus it means it's because of a suppression of 'HIV', is that these drugs clearly have multiple actions in the body. In general, doctors frequently prescribe various drugs 'off label' because this is true of many pharmaceuticals. In fact this is how Ozempic became a big time anti-obesity drug. The ARVs can have direct antimicrobial actions, much like broad spectrum antibiotics, because of this non-specific effect in the body. Also, the fact that these ARVs are associated with serious liver, kidney and heart problems is testament to the fact that the inverse of this situation is also true, give them to otherwise healthy people and watch them get sick.

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Feb 29Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Regarding the PF Stevens question about stopping antiretrovirals. I think it's quite possible this could happen, theoretically. In fact recently it came to light that Paxlovid has as part of its makeup an HIV drug that specifically is there to slow down the liver's ability to clear the drugs from the system. These drugs at the same time are damaging the liver and making it 'leaky', bile is leaking into the bloodstream where it doesn't belong causing all kinds of havoc in the body. Type 2 diabetics for instance have much higher levels of serum bile acids than non-diabetics. There's a series of tests for this called Serum Bile Acids tests, it's not a theoretical thing that this happens. So you quit the drugs, and the liver 'wakes up', of sorts, and begins the process of trying to rid itself and the body of toxins at a faster pace, through the bile (that's how it gets rid of a lot of toxins), but they're backing up into the body now where they don't belong making you really really sick. This sickness is then blamed on 'HIV' rebounding. I think this is is one plausible mechanism in my mind.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Author

This is excellent information, Christoph. Thanks! Would you be okay with me editing the post to include this comment? Obviously I’ll credit you. Either way, thanks.

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Mar 1Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

yes, that would be cool.

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Awesome, done.

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Feb 29Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

PS. This is for Bob the Free Radical, who asked "WHY did the worlds greatest military power FAIL to defend even its own HQ?' Pls check out https://ic911.org

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Oh thank you Marilyn, I will check this out!

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Feb 29Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Thanks for your answers, Rebecca. FYI, taking this opportunity to alert you to a "not at all disturbing" article in my local newspaper yesterday https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2024/02/26/free-std-in-home-tests-available-for-san-mateo-county-residents/?share=nohe2nawosfeuspsrats

It's about free in-home over the counter tests for HIV and some STD's. They must be really desperate to get more people hooked not only on fraudulent testing but also on the toxic PrEP drugs.....

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This reminds me of the free Covid tests the USPS was sending out. 🤦‍♀️ Thanks for the tip.

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Feb 29Liked by Rebecca Culshaw Smith

Your answer to El Terco is quite an amazing summary of a decades-long debacle. To summarize it all so well makes it clear that you are an excellent writer as well as being extremely knowledgeable.

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Thank you, that’s a very nice thing to say. I appreciate it!

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

I threw-out beliefs in viruses including HIV. In my new knowledge, I stopped taking my HIV meds, which I have done in the past, take breaks, etc... no problems. BUT this time.... In the course of 4 years, I contracted Cryptococcal Meningitis, a typical disease for an "HIV" patient when they stop taking meds. I have ZERO T-Cells. If Viruses don't exist, including HIV, then WTF ate up all my T-Cells? I could have died. I was in the Emergency Room not able to speak the next word I was trying to speak. I didn't know the code to get in my phone. Of course I because I was in this dangerous situation, I've just let them 'fix me' without questioning them, and letting them do 'their thing'. I'm now taking a course of anti fungal drips, and in a month, will be taking an 'antiviral', going along with the mainstream beliefs. My best thinking ended me up in the emergency room. So, I really don't know anything. It's very odd, being in this no-mans-land and not believing in anything and yet letting them do stuff to 'save my life'. I don't know what to believe in at this point. The best teacher seems to be my experience.

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