Thank you Neenyah. I have a question, though, I hope you can respond to. What if NIH and the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex did do an about face and started to pay more attention to ME/CFS. Isn't there a danger that these guys would repeat the same gross misconduct they perpetrated with HIV-AIDS? What if they come up with fraudulent tests to diagnose it, proclaim a certain "viral" cause without proof, start pushing toxic treatments, and then mis-educate medical practitioners?

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I highly recommend reading “What Really Makes You ill” by Dawn Lester and David Parker. Then revisit the idea that anything in this interview is valid. I would consider a culprit EM radiation in all forms (why there’s all levels of severity). Especially with the idea it was first noticed in a town in Nevada near former nuclear texting sights.

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RFK Jr. is already on record admitting he doesn't know whether or not "viruses" even exist and encouraging no-virus people to continue their efforts (which he won't help until the cost/return ration for him improves lol). His CHD colleague Mary Holland has also admitted there are major problems with virology.

Why is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running from the missing virus problem?


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He’s avoiding HIV AIDS (and all its implications) entirely in his media appearances despite half the Fauci book being about that scandal. 🤷‍♀️

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