That story about the woman donating a kidney and then developing preeclampsia in pregnancy is so sad. I know three people who are or were in need of kidney transplant and two of them have recently received transplants. All human:). I wouldn’t receive an organ from a pig. And that’s very interesting about the “AIDS” in pigs. Our grandfather was very suspicious of pigs because they were such carriers of disease. Sorry, that sounds very funny!

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it's also super creepy that ANYONE would submit to having a genetically modified animal organ put in their body. this reeks of genetic disaster and the subsequent PR hand wringing about 'protecting the vulnerable' is gonna be W.I.L.D.

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i've got twenty good years left to live out the rest of my life. i have no idea what the controllers are interested in in the long run,but it's kinda clear to anyone paying attention,it isn't the preservation and dignity of human life.

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How do you know you have 20 good years left. Why not longer?

Per the renowned historian Josephus, who lived at the time of Christ and in that area (Palestine, etc.), the Essene people (Christ was an Essene) "were long lived and nearly devoid of illness". Two reading of his writings report that Josephus wrote "many of the Essene elders are over 100 years of age." and the other reported that Josephus wrote "the Essenes on average live to 120 years of age." The Indigenous Cherokee Indians, were reported in an autobiography by a British Lieutenant, Henry Timberlake, who lived with them for a few months in 1762, to have elders who were 150 years of age and "still quite active."

Read the little known document "The Essene Gospel of Peace" (it's online on the internet).

It's wording - Christ's words - are truly a gift to read - so special, peaceful and reassuring.

To your health....

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I no longer trust the medical establishments after having been through what my husband and I have been through for the past 11 years, and what I have read and learned about ME/CFS and ICL (non-hiv aids). So no, I do not prescribe to anything they are pushing. I hate to say it, but trust no one.

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I think maybe we should start finding out how to grow human organs. Isn't that logical?

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Of course if it works then why not? It's not a waste of bacon, nobody eats these parts anyway.

And already long time they use porcine heart valves and porcine insulin.


It is curious they prefer pigs over monkeys for these procedures.


Of course, "virus" stuff is the biomarkers for whatever pathology situation - not the cause of the pathology.


"Genetically-modified pigs" sounds creepy. But then again, I still have my original organs, don't need new ones - for now.

Maybe instead of "modified pigs" they say "well-bred pigs", and then we're off the hook for pig torture.

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