"Well tolerated"- more "science" doublespeak. "Well tolerated" means it causes irritation at some level to everyone- one does not have to "tolerate" the absence of an irritation. What percentage of that irritation is severe vs moderate or minor is not revealed.

While the public was slow-walked into accepting the con that is today's corrupt medical establishment, ultimately the over-medical-consuming and -dependent public will only recover its health by abandoning the vast majority of its visits, tests, procedures, and drug taking.

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You are exactly right. The AZT and the Combivir trials eliminated the a

placebo group early in the trial because it "worked soooo well"....gee, where have we seen this recently? Oh yeah, in the FOIA request documents from the Pfizer covid vaccine trials. Bye bye control group. Hello major side effects (or death) coverups!!

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Thanks for explaining the 100-person-year thing, I've always wondered what that meant. But the 'low background rate' compared to the Truvada and Descovy values jumped right out at me. Going by this metric these drugs are all danger and little benefit. Oh, and I ordered the book.

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