This is incredibly disturbing, and thank you for tackling it. Sorry to hear about your dad, may he rest in peace.

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Thank you. It always means a lot to hear that. 💚 Some day I’ll write about the nightmare of Covid restrictions we had to deal with during his final illness. (This was in Canada so you can imagine…)

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As it turns out the health care that we do have is designed to enrich Big Pharma, not to cure anyone.

That would be the case in all western hospitals I believe regardless of who is paying for it.

The worst thing you can do is your yearly doctors visit, they'll nail you eventually with some test that falsely labels you with some condition for which you will get drugs that will really make you sick. Or maybe you will get an anti-depressant that depresses you so much you'll want them to kill you.

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That’s an uplifting thought…;-). No, seriously, though, it’s hard to disagree with you on your points, especially in light of the past few years. I’ve had very similar thoughts crystallizing in my head for quite some time now, long before the covid lies.

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I will avail you of my standard anecdote on this subject. I'm 66. When I was 50 I screwed my rotator cuff dragon boat racing. I like to try different things. I'll skip all the dragon boat stuff and get straight to the point. I had health care through my work that required me to get a doctor's referral for physio. My shoulder was really screwed. "When was the last time you had a physical?" "Never" "OK well you're going to have one now." So we did tests I took them to a lab, went back to see him. "Let's see how your blood pressure was." "It was perfect." "Let me do my job! It was perfect." "I know you told me that when you took it."

I was cycling 40km a day back and forth to work I was in great shape. He tried to put me on statins. "I'm not paying for your golf trips!" I forget what he said but he wasn't pleased.

16 years later my heart is tickety boo. What do you know about statins? I made the right choice.

I don't trust doctors, never did. Don't know why. Just another of my foibles that had little reason for being but served me well. I'm just lucky I guess. But then we make our own luck.

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A post on my Twitter feed caught my attention the other day, a woman who was horribly damaged the covid vax (I believe it was up in Canada), was OFFERED euthenasia by her doctor. I was horrified. First do no harm is basically the laughing stock of phrases in the world of medicine. I also watched a clip recently of Joe Rogan interviewing a guy who worked in the health care system and he explained in great detail how the insurance companies make money. It was so disturbing because you know it happens, but when it's explained in detail the games they play, using ill-health as a brokered commodity it's terrifying.

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Yes, that's it.

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I heard about someone who ended his life with this , or was going to, because he didn't want to deal with how he was going to be becoming homeless.

He was in his thirties, and I grant that it is harder to handle as one gets older, but the wrong answer to the crisis of being homeless is this self elimination maid legal

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Wow! Just wow. Why create concentration camps when you can convince people their life isn't worth living and put them under pressure to 'self-euthanize' under the disguise of compassion. This is diabolical. It beggars belief. 🥵

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Soylent Green

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Good points, man. Sounds like you’re listening to trained instincts, your gut, and body. And you don’t sound (write) like an idiot to me; furthermore, I don’t think anyone really knows your body as well as yourself, or how to take care of your body as well as you can.

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