As I said last year, 2023 was the year any hope for an “HIV” vaccine went to die. I did not, however, expect the pivot to long-acting injectable PrEP as a kind of vaccine stand-in to happen so quickly and with such fanfare. We have covered the potential issues with lenacapavir before; its apparently “perfect” results among biological women do not appear to be entirely reproducible in other populations. The drug isn’t close to FDA approval at this point; Gilead seems to be covering their bases the best they can—in part, to deflect from the terrible publicity around the Truvada disaster? Additionally, if the fiction of lenacapavir continues much longer, it has the potential to be a huge cash cow for Gilead.
So here is a short list of questions for you: What do you anticipate in 2025 in the areas of “HIV,” infectious disease, and so forth, particularly in the context of this upcoming administration? Will RFK Jr make it through his confirmation hearings? If so, will he and/or others hold Fauci’s feet to the fire with regard to AIDS as well as Covid? What will happen with the Truvada lawsuits? Will the powers that be manage to make “bird flu” a thing, finally? Will Trump make it through his second term? If you have any thoughts about these questions, or predictions unrelated to my questions—if I’ve forgotten something—please let me know in the comments!
Happy New Year!
I predict 2025 will be the year when many people discover there is no recombinant spike protein being generated in injected people, and that this notion will be used by Courts to end all civil lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies, and then the citizens of Normiestan will pretend nothing happened between 2020 and 2024, and everyone in that imaginary country will be diagnosed with Stockholm Syndrome and brain chips will be the experimental treatment.
Things will get worse until they are so absurd that the normies finally crack up. It'll have to be COVID or whatever the next plandemic attempt is. Or perhaps if HIV starts (continues? Odd murmurings the edges lately) being diagnosed outside the risk group ghetto, that might be be part of the accelerating absurdity.
There will be more of consumers demanding pills to fix them, before the crack up.
Rfk won't be able to do much. 40 years of marketing/psyop doesn't go away on its own. American consumers demand easy solutions!
Maybe the ozempic gold rush will be part of the grisly unravelling of it all.
Meanwhile , pockets of coherence will continue to strengthen as we find each other and the less-wrong ideas gather solidity and put roots down.