This will be a quick post, but with the presidential election only four days away—and all indications tell us that it could go either way—I’d like to remind you of a former presidential candidate that has publicly expressed skepticism of the HIV AIDS story and has now joined Donald Trump’s team. Of course, I’m referring to former Democratic, then Independent, nominee for President, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
There have been quite a few news stories about the fact that RFK Jr. has made it known that he would have a major public health role in a potential Trump administration, should that eventuate. That has caused nervous breakdowns throughout the public health "scientific" and activist communities—especially journalists like Anna Merlan and AIDS activists like Rachel Maddow and her surrogates. Check this out:
Trump Unleashing RFK Jr. on Public Health Would Be a Disaster
This is the only article I’ll quote from; this paragraph pretty much sums up a large amount of what the complaints about RFK are:
The past five years have seen a “substantial” drop of trust in public health and scientists, especially among Republicans, Robert Blendon, Harvard University professor emeritus of political analysis and health policy, told me. At the same time, the anti-vaccine movement—which previously was not tied to politics—swung wildly to the right. “Republicans have become incredibly distrustful of vaccines,” Blendon said. “The Republican Party after the [start of] Covid has become very anti–public health.” They lashed out against what they perceived to be government overreach, which made them receptive to questions about the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines—and, soon, other vaccines as well, Blendon said. “This led to a tipping point with this enormous resentment among particularly Republican audiences that the government went way too far.”
I don’t think we have any readers that disagree with the statement that “the government went too far” with its Covid response. Here are some links to a few more.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says Trump Promised Him 'Control' Of CDC And Other Health Agencies
RFK indicates Trump 'promised' him 'control' over 'public health agencies'
If you read through the articles linked above, you will notice that HIV AIDS is never mentioned. His stance on vaccines is brought up, however. That’s interesting.
For the record, here is what RFK Jr. said about my work on AIDS in his bestselling book on Anthony Fauci.
This chapter has outlined a meager skeletal description of just a few of the most common critiques of the hypothesis Dr. Fauci defends at all costs. Interested readers may find much more eloquent and thorough investigations in a number of books by various authors. Perhaps the best of these is mathematician Rebecca Culshaw's Science Sold Out. Culshaw was an AIDS researcher who slowly became disillusioned by the gaping chasms in the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, and by government corruption in maintaining the orthodoxy. Her book offers a sociological explanation as to how the theory was anointed by the media and scientific community. Other important books are Dues- berg's Inventing the AIDS Virus, Lauritsen's book The AIDS War, Osler's Web by Hillary Johnson, and Harvey Bialy's Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS. I also recommend "The Deconstruction of the AIDS" article by Yale mathematician Serge Lang, and an insightful chapter titled "Fear and Lawyers in Los Angeles" in Kary Mullis's Dancing Naked in the Mind Field.
What do you think? What is RFK’s role in the future of our country going to be, whether in Washington or not? What would you like it to be?
In the vast web plying lies and illusions to thwart truth (MSM one of many players) health is coming out of the closet as one of the major fields used to destroy the U.S. and its citizens. Drugs, legal and illegal hold power like few other domains.
Pray, send good vibes, whatever one subscribes to, to RJK Jr and Trump. The war machinery against them is the power to be toppled if the world and humans are to have a future.
I'd like to think that he'd hit all the lies directly. But time will tell.