This will be a very short post, but I wanted to alert you to the following article, which unfortunately confirms my suspicion that the plan of the HIV AIDS establishment is to get as many people on long acting injectables as possible, “HIV” status be damned. Of course, we know that this is happening as their escape hatch from the failure to produce an “HIV” vaccine, but never mind—the speed at which this has happened is astonishing—a year ago, we were not discussing long acting injectables here much if at all.
Long-acting therapies are no longer the future of HIV treatment – they are the now!
Of course this article is total propaganda, being as how it’s published on Glaxo Smith Kline’s website, but this it’s important because it signals exactly where we’re going with these toxic “HIV” treatments.
Time and time again, we heard from the HIV community that options that offer longer dosing intervals and remove the requirement for a daily therapy could have a positive impact on the quality of life of people living with HIV – and those who could benefit from PrEP.
Of course, we have to add PrEP in here, because apparently, not enough money is being made from the current “HIV” positive population on treatment. Let’s not get greedy here, pharmaceutical companies.
There’s really not a lot of there there in this article; given that it’s written on behalf of GSK, that’s no surprise. But I think it’s important to highlight this because, as we know, there is an invisible hand guiding what we are allowed to see in the media—so I imagine this promotion of long acting injectables is no accident. It’s also really scary—given the AZT scandal and the Truvada disaster, this is unlikely to end well.
What do you think—are the long acting injectables being used as a kind of a proxy for a vaccine, or are they just trying to harm as many members of risk groups as possible?
Thanks for this, Rebecca. My sense is that they've retreated from the hunt for an HIV vaccine, due to past failures and also since the word "vaccine" is so loaded these days. So call it a long-lasting injectable instead. The ultimate objective is the same, namely to expand consumer base and increase market share by any means necessary.
Now if they could ever get to the point that this product is recommended for all children, they might start calling it a vaccine and put it on the CDC schedule required for school attendance. Heaven forbid!!
Plausible the hookup sites being owned by the pushers