This will be a short post, but I have an exciting offer at the end!
An article appeared in the Toronto Star, ‘ A lifestyle risk for us’: Gay men report discrimination over PrEP HIV-prevention drug, describing the experience of a gay man taking PrEP for “HIV prevention” who was denied a policy for critical illness insurance because he “presents a lifestyle risk” for the company and “engages in risky behavior.”
Michael Fazal, the man in question, stated that “It was very confusing to me because as a gay man in Toronto, in my world, PrEP is such a 101 health thing,” Fazal told the Star in an interview. “It’s just shocking to me that some of the people with decision-making power like that don’t know enough about it.”
(Yes, the problem is always that not enough people are taking PrEP and that not enough people know about it. It really tells you something about modern society that the reaction to nearly everything is to throw a pill or a vaccine at it.)
The push for PrEP seems to be reaching a fever pitch and the attempts to normalize it as part of a healthy “lifestyle” (like getting your Covid booster — I bet there’s a significant overlap between PrEP users and people getting their third booster (is that where we are? It’s hard to keep track)) are EVERYWHERE, including as we discussed recently, the “novel proposition” of offering PrEP to African schoolgirls. If it isn’t obvious to you that this is capitalism at its worst (and I say that as no socialist, to put it mildly), a blatant attempt to sell as many drugs as possible, you need to wake up because it’s spiraling out of control.
As always, drop your opinion in the comments.
Also, for the next week (or two) the price of Almost Cancelled is only $0.99 (that’s the lowest I can set it) as a thank you to my subscribers. Click the title to get your copy.
Of course, as you have shown in your work, taking PrEP is itself a lifestyle risk, so maybe that insurance company is onto something after all!
Many if not most of the PrEP users I know also use crystal meth.