A tribute to Liam Scheff
“AIDS is real, HIV is not. They [AIDS orthodoxists] know it and they need to move their fat asses over on the research bench so we can get some real answers.”
This was something journalist Liam Scheff said to me on the phone sometime in 2007, and it has stuck with me ever since. (Forgive me for playing fast and loose with the actual quote; I didn’t record it and if I had I’m sure I’d have lost the recording by now.)
If you don’t know Liam, perhaps the best place to start is with his expose of truly horrifying experiments with AIDS drugs forcibly - often surgically via a g-tube - administered to HIV- positive children, many of whom were orphans. You can find his piece here.
He wasn’t just active doing “real” journalism about “HIV”. Liam was a lifelong questioner and he raised many in his book, Official Stories: Counter-Arguments for a Culture in Need - from AIDS to 9/11 to the “living earth”. I don’t necessarily agree with everything he says, but his arguments are compelling and his prose humorous.
Sadly, Liam passed in 2017 at the age of 46. His final blog post no longer exists as his domain has expired, so I can’t link it here. I don’t know the details of his death because he and I had fallen out of touch by then (it was not AIDS related and I hate that I have to specify this).
I write this as a sort of tribute and a reminder to go check out his work. It’s important. His advice in the quote above is important too - AIDS is still a medical mystery, at least given the publicly available, woke-stamped, officially endorsed information we have at our disposal in the medical literature. It’s time to abandon the failed HIV paradigm that has given us nothing but toxic drugs and discrimination.